33| Story

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Chapter 33: Story (Poppy's POV)

After having one of the worst lunches I've had with Josh, we started walking back to the hotel. I had no idea what happened between us getting there to the end of our little airboat ride, but Josh was acting off. 

He was hardly talking to me, whatever he was saying, he spoke in short and blunt sentences, whenever I asked him something, he answered vaguely, and he was hardly looking at me. It all started pissing me off by the time we finished eating lunch. 

The few lunches I had with him at The Locket when we still hated each other back in New York were better than this. At least we both were bickering but it was still a conversation. Barely, but it was. And now? He wouldn't even look me in my eyes. He wasn't holding my hand back either and every time I held his arm, he was slowly pulling it away, trying to make sure I wouldn't notice that's what he was aiming for. 

I sighed in frustration as we waited for the elevator in our hotel lobby to go up to our room. The elevator opened as a couple stepped out and I moved to the side, making space before I got in myself, not looking at Josh just how he was being with me. Two could play at this game. 

We stood in silence as we ascended up to our floor, neither one of us uttering a single word. I rolled my eyes, facing away from him, and then took my hair off, patting my hair down. Leaning against the wall, I folded my arms across my chest, my foot impatiently tapping on the floor. 

"Can you not do that?" he asked, glancing at my foot. "Please?" 

Oh, so we're finally talking? Scratch that. Oh, so we're finally looking at each other? 

I held his gaze and maintained eye contact as I tapped my foot on the floor even harder and louder than before. 

He sighed, "Poppy." 

I ignored him and faced forward, watching the elevator counter. 

Why are we moving so fucking slowly all of a sudden? 

"Poppy," he repeated and I continued giving him the silent treatment. He did it to me first. All of a sudden, he huffed and leaned forward, holding down the 'stop' button. 

I stopped tapping my foot. "Josh, we could get in trouble for that," I clicked my tongue, leaning forward to press it again so we'd continue moving but he grabbed my wrist, pulling my hand away as he faced me, turned me to look at him, and slowly walked forward, backing me up against the wall. My back hit the wall with the softest sound and I tipped my head back, meeting his eyes. "What?" 

"What are you doing?" he asked, calm as always. 

"I'm doing what you're doing." 

"Which is what exactly?" 

"Giving you the silent treatment for no apparent reason." 

"That's not what I'm doing." 

"It totally is and you know it. I don't know what happened but you clearly won't tell me. You were fine until we got off that stupid boat, I don't know what's going through your mind but you're more or less ignoring me." 

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