40| Quit

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Chapter 40: Quit (Josh's POV)

As time went on and lunchtime got closer, Poppy and I only got more agitated, frustrated, and angry. We were trying to work but neither one of us seemed to be able to focus or find a moment to be alone. We still had thirty minutes until lunch and I had to talk to her without being interrupted or being nervous about someone overhearing us. 

I scribbled down 'signal' on a post-it note before standing up, sticking it onto her desk as I walked out. I ran a hand down my face, loosening up my tie and going into the coffee room, which was luckily empty. I rolled up my sleeves and began making a coffee for myself and tea for her but just then, Katy walked in. I stopped what I was doing and gave her a nod on my way out. 

With a quick look around, I opened the janitor's closet and slipped inside, groaning as I kicked a bucket closer and sat on top of it since it was upside down. 

It took a minute or two before the door opened a sliver and she quickly came in, closing the door softly. "Jesus, why are you sitting in the dark?" She reached up, tugging on the chain and lighting up the room. She looked down at me and neither one of us uttered a word. She paused, folding her arms across her chest. "What do you want to do, Josh?" 

"It's not about what I want to do, Poppy. We have to stop her." 

"We can't," she replied, "think about it. We have every disadvantage possible and she's got the upper hand in all aspects. Our best shot is at finding a solution. In terms of what to do once Lydia knows." 

"Should we just tell her ourselves? Confess?" 

"I don't know," she mumbled, "what if Valerie is just bluffing? What if she won't tell Lydia?" 

"She has every reason to." 

She nodded. "Okay, but what's going to happen if we confess? It doesn't change..." she trailed off in thought before agreeing. "Yeah. Let's confess." 

I blinked in confusion, lifting my head to look at her. "Why do you think we should? I want to know what you're thinking." 

She agreed too quickly.

"Well," she cleared her throat, "if we tell Lydia ourselves, she'll be less angry, obviously." 

I nodded in agreement. 

"And um." She fidgeted with her earrings. "If we tell her, chances are only one of us will be blamed. We both know Lydia doesn't play fair anyway. So, worse comes to worst, one of us will be fired." 

"That's what Valerie wants anyway." 

"Yeah, but Valerie wants to get you fired. And Lydia won't fire you." 

"Yeah, but she'll fire you." 

"She'll fire me. Not you." 

I stood up, brows knitted together in confusion. "Poppy, we agreed. If one of us goes, we both do." 

"I know we did, but Josh just think about it. You've been working here for five years and you've worked hard to get where you are today. You—" 

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