20| Sunset

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Chapter 20: Sunset (Josh's POV)

As we reached outside and spotted the car, I noticed that Jamieson and Valerie had just made it out of the elevator. 

"Hello sir, hi ma'am," the company guide greeted us. 

Poppy offered a small smile, "Hi." 

He opened the car door before folding up the seat, gesturing for us to go ahead and sit at the very back as Jamieson and Valerie joined us, then he moved to greet them. 

I held up a hand for Poppy and she blinked in surprise before glancing at me once. "Am I dreaming or are you getting nicer and nicer as the days pass?" 

"Shut up and get in the car, Poppy." 

She took my hand before pushing herself up and ducking her head before she climbed inside and then scooted over, making room for me. 

"You're sitting in the back?" Jamieson asked. 

"Yes," I said, not waiting for a reply and climbing in. I sat in the seat with a huff and the guide pushed the seat back down so that the other two could settle in. Once they did, he started the car and started driving us. 

The drive was barely ten minutes but when Lydia made the booking, she did tell me that the company gives you a ride to and from the Manchac swamps no matter how far you're staying from them. 

"I thought you hated sitting at the back," Jamieson said, turning in his seat to look at me. 

I felt Poppy's eyes on me, waiting for my answer. "Two people had to sit here anyway. It's only ten minutes away," I replied nonchalantly. 

He glanced between Poppy and me once before facing ahead again. 

"Jamieson could have sat at the back too, we can do that on our way back, can't we?" Valerie asked him. 

He paused in hesitation. 

"Actually, Jamieson feels a bit sick in the back, don't you, Jamie?" Poppy asked, kicking the back of his chair. 

He looked at her and then nodded. "Yeah, I do. So, I can't sit at the back. Josh and Poppy are fine sitting there, let's just come back this way too." 

I turned to look out the window, suppressing a laugh. 

Poppy nudged my knee not even two minutes later to tell me, "Don't take up all the room," she mumbled. So, of course, I only spread my legs further. She rolled her eyes as our legs touched and then simply faced the window, ignoring it. I glanced at where our knees met before blinking away and watching the street. 

Things are changing so fast and it's making me realize that this whole time, whatever hatred we've had, it was just so forced. 

But that was the right thing to do, for not just my sake, but hers too. If anything happened between us and Lydia found out, we'd be fired in the blink of an eye, apparently. And now, I do have to think about that because now I think I... really don't hate her. 

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