7| Final

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Chapter 7: Final (Poppy's POV)

I let out an irritated huff, glancing over my shoulder as I dried off the last of the dishes. By the time we were done eating and making the itinerary for New Orleans, Blake woke up. Never mind the fact that he woke up from our arguing and my yelling, but he woke up nonetheless. My punishment was cleaning up the kitchen while Josh watched Blake. 

I hung up the washcloth and then rolled my sleeves back down, making my way to the couch where Josh sat with Blake, both of them watching Toy Story on the TV at the front. It was really just Blake watching the movie while Josh sat with his head tipped back, struggling to keep his eyes open. I stood to the side of the couch, resting my knee on the armrest. "Hello." 

Josh looked over while Blake focused on the screen, absentmindedly playing with the stuffed toy of Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. 

"I thought you were supposed to put him back to sleep," I said, reaching over and ruffling Blake's hair. 

"He just woke up half an hour ago, he's not going back to sleep any time soon," Josh replied. 

I glanced at the clock. It was starting to get kind of late, almost nine now. "I should get home," I said. I felt Josh's glare before I saw it. 

"You're not going anywhere until Jenny comes and takes Blake back home." 

"He's your nephew." 

"I can't watch him on my own. I don't know everything about babies." 

Just almost everything then.

"Then learn. You have a nephew to babysit." 

"We have to babysit him," he corrected. 

I rolled my eyes, sitting on the armrest instead. "Do you expect me to wait here until midnight and then go home? Are you kidding? I'm not staying here until then and I'm not going home all by myself at that hour either." 

"Take a cab." 

"I would if this neighborhood had any at this hour, which I know it doesn't. It's a residential area, everyone here has their own cars. So either you let me leave before then or you drive me back home once Jenny gets here. Your call." 

"I'm not driving you home, nor are you leaving," he argued. "We both were told to babysit him. Actually, as far as I know, she might have just told you and you lied to me." 

I glanced at the arm Josh kept around Blake. "Are you mad about it?" 

He didn't answer and resorted to watching the movie. 

I sighed to myself, leaning back into the couch and watching the movie since I had nothing better to do. 

About twenty minutes later, I heard Blake's toy falling to the floor with a faint thud. I looked over and saw that he had thrown it away. His attention wasn't on the movie anymore and he was getting restless. My eyes went to Josh who had fallen asleep on the couch, one arm draped over his eyes with his head leaning back. Blake started shifting around, trying to stand up. 

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