39| Threat

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Chapter 39: Threat (Poppy's POV)

Waking up to the sound of your alarm is nobody's favorite thing, but knowing that Josh was still in bed beside me and we were back in New York, not New Orleans, and somehow everything was still the same, it all made me happier than anything. 

I turned the alarm off before he woke up from it and stretched in bed before rolling over to face him, squinting my eyes open. 

He was fast asleep, an arm loosely thrown over my waist and one leg over both of mine. 

Not being able to bring myself to pull him out of his slumber yet, I took a minute to just look at him. One minute bled into another and another and I'd wasted ten minutes falling deeper in love with him this morning. Finally, I realized we had to get going. I brushed his hair out of his eyes before stroking his cheek. "Josh," I said a couple of times before he woke up, groaning softly. 

He rubbed his eyes open before looking at me. "What?" 

"We have to go to work," I reminded him. 

He sat up in confusion and took a look around. "God, for a second I thought we were back in New Orleans." 

"I wish," I chuckled, leaning over and grabbing the shirt from last night. I slipped it on before standing up. "I'm heading to shower," I told him, stopping at the bathroom door. "Want to come?" 

"Just shower?" he asked with a sleepy smile, his eyes falling shut while he sat there, elbow resting on his knee, and held his head. 

"Yes," I laughed, "just shower." 

He nodded in a daze. 

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth first before turning the shower on and then calling for him. He came stumbling in not even wholly awake yet and grabbed my toothbrush. "No, no," I laughed, handing him his. "Yours is the pink, mine's the black one," I reminded. 

"I like pink," he mumbled, running it under the water. 

I watched him in amusement, waiting for the shower water to get hot while he brushed his teeth. While he finished up, I hopped in the shower once I pulled my hair back in a bun to keep it dry. 

He joined me in the shower and I got lucky enough to see him use floral body wash. "I'm getting out," he said a while later, running a hand through his wet hair, pushing it back. 

I nodded, humming and he leaned down, kissing me once before stepping out while I rinsed and then stood in the doorway, holding a towel for me with one wrapped around his waist. I turned the water off and stuck an arm out, taking the towel. I dried myself off quickly, feeling a little cold, and then wrapped the towel around my chest before getting out. I stopped at the sink to put lotion and sunscreen on and expected him to get dressed but he only stood there watching me. I laughed to myself, watching him in the mirror. "You look like you're in love, Mr. Nilsen." 

"Well, I am, Ms. Valentine." 

I spun around, dotting moisturizer onto his face and quickly rubbing it in. "Get dressed before we get late," I grinned, going up on my toes and stealing another kiss. I turned back to the mirror but he only came up behind me and dropped kisses on my neck and shoulder before leaving to get ready. 

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