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I try to look in other directions to avoid his gaze but it feels like Grant put a frozen spell on me. Maybe I'm the one who mentally put a spell on myself. Now I can't get out of it.

"Oh, you two met before?" Mary asks in confusion.

Grant looks me up and down for a moment before responding.
"No, we haven't."

"What? Yes we have." I respond.

"I don't recall meeting a prostitute who seems like she's begging for attention." Grant says while folding his arms.

"I'm just gonna, go." Mary purses her lips and tries to quietly and quickly walk away before she gets involved. I would have left too.

"Excuse me? A prostitute?" I ask in shock.

"Why are you still bothering me?" He suddenly asks.

"I was brought here, okay? That other woman thinks you're this rich man who's going to pay me to-"

"Pay you? Are you that desperate for money?" He asks in a strict tone all of a sudden.

"What? No. Look I'm just trying to-"

"Does it look like I would want to pay someone to make themselves look like a fool?"

"... I mean you look like the type."

"The type to watch a woman dress like a whore for money to not only end up careless, but inconsiderate and stupid? Or the type to watch a mother teach her own child how to become a low life, idiotic, and desperate witch who can easily be taken for granted just because the mother has poor life decisions? Because if I do, then I would choose you to show me what both would look like. But then again, you already have. So there's no need for me to pay for something I have already seen."

I stay in place with a shocked face from hearing those words. He just suddenly started verbally abusing me out of nowhere too.
First it was Severus and now it's him. Then when I look at the three people behind him, they all stare back just laughing and shaking their heads in disappointment at me. And right now it feels like the whole world is against me.

"So let me ask you again. Why are you still bothering me?" He asks in a more serious tone.

I get tears in my eyes but I hold them back along with the urge to yell at him but what would I say? I don't even have the words to even talk back from how hurt I am. So I just said the one thing I wanted to say for a while.

"Just wanted to say thank you for the favor, and for protecting my family." I say quietly. Before a tear could roll down my cheek, I quickly turn around and walk back to the direction I came from so he wouldn't see it. But he knew that what he said would have affected me. And it did.

And that single tear that fell turned into multiple ones until I couldn't even see properly. I even wipe them away along with the sniffles that I have but Severus's words mixed with Grant's words hurt me to the core that I can't stop crying.

"Hey, you okay?" Candice approaches me and places her hand on my shoulder but I shove it away and walk past her.

"Newbie, you alright sweetie?" Two waitresses approach me with their wet rags but I accidentally brush past in between as if I was pissed off at them. And with the more girls that ask if I'm okay, the more frustrated and overwhelmed I get.

But when the last person came up to me to see how I am, my emotions had enough.
"Hey (Y/n), you alright? Need some time?" Alice asks with a smile.

"Can everyone just leave me the fuck alone!?" I shout at her and quickly run to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. And within seconds, I hear banging sounds on the bathroom door from maybe two or three girls wanting to know if I'm okay. But I cover my ears and lean against the farthest wall to avoid the sounds.

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