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My eyes flutter open at the sudden jerk of-

I actually don't know were I am, it's too dark to see anything. So, I do what my instincts tell me to, I sit down and close my eyes trying to remember why I would be in a place that booms and shakes.

"What the heck!?" I say after a few minutes, "why can't I remember anything?!"

I concentrate harder and still come up with nothing......except a face of a guy with blonde hair. He was smiling at me saying 'Don't worry, Gabriella, it was just a dream. Don't bloody worry about it.' Then his face started to to fade.

"NO!" I scream. I continue screaming in frustration. 'He seems important!' After a while I calm myself done and somehow I fall asleep.

Some time later I woke up slowly. I was enjoying the peace and quiet when there was a random screech and the place I was in shuddered to a stop. I hear noises coming from above me. I realize there is a hatch up there. I quickly scrambled behind the box I was leaning on because I don't know if the people or things up there are friendly.

Suddenly light pours into contraption I'm in.

"Hey! There's no greenie!" Calls a voice from above.

"Your joking right, Philip?"

"No shucking way!!!"

"You stupid shank must be lying!"

All these other people start joining in when someone yelled, "Slim it shanks! Philip, you sure there's no one?"

"Yeah, Luke, but I'll look around more just to make sure." The guy jumps into the metal cage I'm in.

'How the bloody hell did I get in a cage?' I ask myself. I decide to get up and check things out because I sounds like these people are friendly. My hand slides into my pocket, and there's a knife in it. I hold on to it just incase I need it.
When I stand I come face to face with a guy who has brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes-

wait did I just say gorgeous?

"Ahh!" He yells, tripping over his own feet and falling down. He glances up to the hatch. "I take it back, there's a greenie!"

Before I can say anything I burst out laughing. It looked so funny seeing him fall over.

"What's so fun- you're a girl!" His face in complete awe. I just shrug in reply.

"A girl?"

"Now you've lost it!"

"Philip, get the greenie up here."

"Yeah!" The guy, Philip, looks at me and puts his hand out, "Come on we gotta get out before it goes back down." I ignore his hand and help myself out of the bloody cage thingy.

"What's your name?" Philip asks me, but I just stare at him skeptically. I don't think I should tell him that yet.

"It's okay, you'll get it back in a few days." He says trying to comfort me. Little does he know, I don't need comforting. I'm lying and I'm not the kind of person who likes to be babied.

I look around and see that I'm in a huge field, enclosed by gigantic stone walls. Other then the box I came in, there doesn't seem to be any way out. I study all the people surrounding me, all boys. I'm the only girl here unless they're in the houses I see a little way off. Then, I spot some woods near by and make up my mind, I need to get away from all these guys and make up a plan.

I'm editing this fanfic and trying to make it better, and hopefully longer. I'll be editing it chapter by chapter, and probably update every Sunday.


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