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Philips POV

It's been a week since we got our nameless greenie. Seth is done with the changing, but ever since he's been done he and Kathleen won't get 100ft near each other. I wonder what happened.

I walk over to talk to Ella about sleeping arrangements for her and the girls. Suddenly the ground starts shaking. We are having an earthquake. This is the first one we've ever had.

"Everyone stay calm!" Luke yells to all the gladers. But it's hard to stay clam when the ground shakes this violently.


What was that?

"AHHHHHHHHH!" That sounds like one of the girls.

I turn to see where the screaming is coming from. I see our nameless greenie standing next to Kathleen. On the ground is Ella huddled over someone's limp body. Jonah. But the thing that catches my attention the most is where Seth is standing. Or should I say WAS standing, because now where he stood is a huge boulder. Seth has been squished. (irishgal13 )

"Med-jacks! Over by the East wall!" I yell, hurrying over to help Ella.

"Hey, it's okay. Just let the Med-jacks take care of 'em." I say trying to calm Ella down. "Just calm down."


Luckily the Med-jacks have arrived so she stomped off to the Deadheads. Most likely going to her tree.

Wait, did she say that Jonah was her little brother? Which means they aren't dating! Which means I gotta go talk to her right now!

Ella's POV

I sit in my tree. I shed one single tear. I can't stop thinking about the way he looked so dead. I feel like I failed my dad. I didn't keep my brother safe.

"I thought you would be here." Philip says from the bottom of the tree.

"Yeah, well I don't want any company."

"Yes you do."



"No?" I says, but its more of a question than a statement.

"Yes." he starts to climb up.

"Why do you even care about me? All I've ever done is ignore you."

"Yeah, but you're kind to everyone else, you're a great leader, and you're pretty."

"Really?" I feel myself blush at the complement. "What do I look like?"

"You have long, dark brown hair, beautiful brown, almost black, eyes, and flawless tan skin." He tells me. When he's done he doesn't stop lookin' at me.

"How old do I look?"

"Oh, probably 16."

"Good that. You look 16 as well." I blush even more when I realized why I'm so happy that we are, most likely, the same age.

"So, Jonah's your little brother?" He sounds hopeful. Why does he sound hopeful?

"Nope. I just call him that."

"Oh. Okay. Ummm I guess I'll leave you now." He stars to climb down, so I grab his hand.

"He's not my little brother, he's my twin brother."

"Really? I thought like with all the kisses and hugs, I just assumed tha-"

"Nope. And I only gave him kisses on his cheek." I say crossing my arms.

"Yeah. I know, but I still thought-"

"Climb down this tree right now." I command him.

"Wait! What?" He looks shocked.

"Just listen to me." I start to climb down with him.

When we are standing face to face on the ground he asks me,


"Shush! Just listen." I take added breath. "Ever since I got here I've felt a connection with you. After you threw me into the Slammer I thought that the feel I felt towards you was just a trick of my mind. But when you apologized and gave me a hug, it confirmed my hypothesis. I fancy you, Philip. I fancy you very much."

I roll my eyes when he looks confused at that last part.

"It means I like you. I like you a lot." I hope he doesn't notice that I'm blushing uncontrollably right now.

"I like you, too" He smirks. Then, in a very bad imitation of my accent, he says. "I fancy you very much."

Philips POV

YES! They're siblings! YES!

"I like you, too." I try for an accent. "I fancy you ver much." She starts laughing.

"What? No good?" I say, turning her face towards mine. She takes a step forwards, lessoning the space between us.

"No. It was perfect." She smiles.

Then, my lips crash on to hers.

Luke's POV

She doesn't remember me. She doesn't remember our talk and how peaceful it was. She doesn't even remember her own name.

The Med-jacks confirmed that she has a concussion and that's why she forgot that first night. I've been trying so hard to be nice to her, but she just shrugs me off every time.

Sadly, I have more important things to worry about. For example, Seth. Seth was squished my a boulder that fell during an unexpected earthquake. Jonah was badly injured. Two of my best friends.

I need to find Phil. Last I saw, he was running into the Deadheads. So that's where I go.

iUrshgal13 ya happy, love? Lol I loved your idea!😈😈

Comments? Ideas? 😇

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