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Ella's POV

"Ella wake up!" Someone whispers to me while shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes and see Mia standing over me.

"Gosh Ella! You're such a deep sleeper!"

"What do you want Mia?" I ask, slightly annoyed about being woken up. I look at my watch. 4:30am. Bloody hell! I'm gonna kill her! What a nerve! Waking a runner up two hours before they need to!

"We have to be ready for when Katie and Juliana wake up!" She says frustratedly.

"Ohhhhhh yeahhhhhh! I forgot about that!" I yawn and get out of bed, not as mad. We silently walk out of my room and to Katie's and Juliana's.

"What are we gonna do for two hours?" I yawn again. Mia blushes.

"I might have invited Jonah, Luke, Matt, and Philly to come keep us compony."

"Hey guys!" Jonah says sleepily from behind us.

"Well, speak of the devil!" I chuckle.

"Why are ya speaking of the devil?" Philly asks as he walks up to us.

"Figure of speech, smart one!" Luke answers, also just arriving.

"Sweet, did ya peeps bring any food?" I ask.

"Nope. Matt was denied us access to the fridge." Jonah punches Matt in the arm as he tiptoes up to us.

"Hey! What was that for?" He whisper yells, trying to look innocent. "You already used my honey, whipped cream, tomato sauce, ketchup, and pickles!"

"But tomato sauce and ketchup is the same thing!" I tell him, a little confused.

"For the last time! Tomato sauce goes on pizza and ketchup goes on fries!" Luke rolls his eyes at me.

"NO! Tomato sauce goes on chips, cuz it's the same buggin' thing as ketchup!"

"Ew! Potato chips and ketchup?! That's disgusting!" Matt screws up his nose and pretends to vomit.😷

"Your disgusting!" I say, disgusted.😝

"Matt! You know what she meant! She says tomato sauce for ketchup and chips for fries!" Phil says, coming to my rescue.😤

"Whatever! Did the Creators send up the airhorn, Luke?" Mia asks excitedly.😀 Luke pulls out an airhorn and smiles slyly.

"Let's do this." 😈

Luke's POV

Mia mouths to me. "One......Two..." and she screams, "THREE!!"


Wow! That should wake them up!

"Ahhhhh! What the heck!" Juliana screams. we hear her get out of bed and slip on the wet, sticky floor.

"LUUUUUKE!!" Oh! Kathryn is awake! "AHHHHH ITS ALL STICKY!!"

This goes on for a about ten minutes. We all are rolling on the ground laughing.

Suddenly, their door starts to open. Ella, Phillip, Jonah, and Matt run out of Inito and to Homestead. They just ditched me and Mia!

Juliana and Kathryn open their door all the way and


"AHHHHH!" They both screech.

We did the same door trick to them. Mission accomplished!👍🏾

Ella's POV

When I saw that door start to open, I ran for it. I wasn't going to let them think I helped plan that whole prank! No way!

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