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Luke's POV

I jog into Deadheads looking for Phil. I'm about to call out for him when I see him......standing with Ella. More like making out with her. I quietly walk over to them.


I stepped on a twig. Ella's eyes open and get very wide. She quickly pulls away from Philip and swiftly climbs up her tree, her face bright red.

"Getting comfy in the woods I see." I say teasing Philly.

"Aw shut up, Lukey." he punched me on the shoulder. Then he smirks. "I see the way ya look at the nameless greenie. Why are ya here anyway, shuck face?"

"I was lookin' for you, slinthead." I bet my face is red, too. "We need to talk about Seth and Jonah. Jonah's fine but Seth........"

Philip looks at the ground. "Yeah. let me just talk to Ella for a sec."

"Sure thing, lover boy!" I run to Homestead before he can respond.


Greenie girl day yet again.

I'm too busy with Philip and Jonah working on a new building with the builders. It is going to be a house just for the girls. I tell Matt to take my place and open the box and get the greenie girl out.

Matts POV

We all crowd around the box waiting for the alarm to stop. When it finally does I opened it. As we suspected, it is a greenie girl. The thing that catches me off guard is what she says. She is eating something......I'm pretty sure it's bacon. Interesting. She looks up at me, her eyes go wide.

"You're as hot as bacon!" She tells me, taking another bite of her bacon.

"Um thanks?" I don't really know how to respond to that. "Here. Let me help you out."

Once I got her out, I asked her what her name is.

"Pumpernickel." She states, straight faced.

"What? Did ya just say your na-" she cut me off with a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha you actually believed me! Nah. My names Juliana." She sticks out her hand for me to shake.

"Hi Juliana. I'm Matt."

"It's nice to meet you Bacon. So, when do I get to eat? I'm super hungry from that million hour ride up in that lovely temporary house of mine."

"We're eating in thirty minutes. Can ya wait that long?"

"Sure thing Bacon!"

"Well, until then you can wander around. I'm the cook so I have to go make supper. See ya 'round, greenie."

Juliana's POV

"Well, until then you can wander around. I'm the cook so I have to go make supper. See ya 'round, greenie." Matt (aka Bacon) tells me. Wander I will.

Whoa! This place is a lot bigger than my temporary house! There is this big opening. I wonder were it leads. I shall find out!

I'm walking out the door opening thingy when someone tackles me.

"Excuse me! Can't you see that I'm a little busy? I don't have time for tackle football!"

The guy gets off of me and replies,

"Don't leave the glade. Ya do ya die." He just walks away.

"Thank you kind sir for that important information!" I walk away from the opening and find a place to sit under a tree like a good little girl. GOTCHA!! Course I didn't do that. I turn back to the opening and begin walking out again. Sadly before I could get all the way out, the opening starts to close. I run back into the 'glade', as that guy called it, and watch the opening close completely. Trapping me in here. So sad.

The next few days were 'fun'. I was told about everything that I was allowed to hear. I became a Cook with Bacon. Now I can make myself as much bacon as I want! Exciting, am I right? I met also Ella, Philip, Kathleen, Luke, Jonah, Ms. Nameless, and all the other gladers.

Luke's POV

"Lukey! The box never went down!" Philip yells through my door. The box didn't go down? Maybe we didn't get all the supplies out.

I exit my room and the Homestead. Then, I walk over to the box and open it. There's one crate left in it. I open the crate and there's a bottle of water that's labeled 'For the Nameless'.

"It's a bottle of water for Nameless Greenie." I shout up to Jonah, Philip and Ella.

"What are ya waiting for? Bring it up and let's give it to her!" Ella sounds impatient.

"Be patient, love. He's coming."

"Jonah, Jonah, Jonah. How many bloody times do I have to tell ya? Don't tell me what to do!" Jonah just sighs.

I climb out of the box, close the doors, and walk off to find Nameless Greenie.

I find her under the tree I put her under her first night here.

"This bottle of water came for ya in the box." I tell her.

"Sweet! I was just about to go get a drink. Gimme it!" She grabs is out of my hand and chugs it.

"Ahhhh." she says smiling. "Much bet-" She starts clutching her head and falls to the ground.

Nameless Greenies POV

After I drank the bottle of water my head started to hurt really bad. I clutch my head and fall to my knees. I start screaming.


"Are you okay? AHHH! Of course you aren't!" Luke says, rushing to my side. He raps me in his arms and we just stay there, my head hurting more and more. I start to cry and I'm not a cryer, that's how bad it hurt.

When the pain finally subsides I look over at Luke. He's still hugging me.

"Luke? What happened to me?" I ask him.

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