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Ella's POV

"PHILIP! Why is the greenie alarm going off?!" Then it hits me. The bloody Creators might be start sending up greenies. For another six years. Or more.

"Ella! That gives us half an hour to have a Gathering and-" Philly is cut off when the alarm stops and Glader named Seabae comes running up to us.

"P-Phillip!" He shouts, trying to catch his breath. "The box is here! It came up so fast! I don't even know-"

"THE BOX IS UP ALREADY!?" Philip yells excitedly. "Get out of my way shuck face!"

Philly pulls me by my hand past Seabae and I apologize for Philip as I'm quickly whisked to the box.

Luke and Jonah have already gotten to the box when we arrive.

"Jonah open the box. Philip you'll go in to get the greenie." Luke says in his bossing voice. As the boys prepare to open the heavy-ish box all the girls find their boyfriends if they have one (well Mia and I stand near the box waiting for ours). Marcelle is the only girl without a boyfriend. She's more of a mother figure.

Suddenly I get this sharp shock going down my spine. It gives me the feeling that we shouldn't open the box. I glance at Jonah and he's looking at me. His face tells me that he felt it to and feels the same way.

"Wait! Don't open the box!" I exclaim.

Luke turns around and rolls his eyes at me.

"And why, lil lady, would we do that?" He asks sarcastically.

I open my mouth to answer but I never get to finish because

Bang Bang

comes from the box making everyone jump. I smirk at Luke and give him my 'I told you so' look. Then another

Bang Bang

This time louder. Everybody starts walking back cautiously. More banging comes and we all go back farther 'till we are pretty far away. By this time Jonah and Philip have found me and Mia. I put my left arm around Philips waist and grab his left hand with my right. He pulls me closer to him with his right arm and keeps his arm around my shoulder making me feel safe.

After about five minuets the top of the box flings open. We all wait in awe as six people climb out of the box. Each armed with a spear and a few wicked looking knives. There are two women and four men. All dressed like us......

They start towards us and most of the Gladers shrink in fear. There is one man with dirty blonde hair who looks like he has a confused look on his face. Walking on his right is an Asian man with spiky hair and on his left of a man with the strangest.......eyebrows.....

Before I can think about it further they reach and I realize that the blonde haired man doesn't have a confused look, he had an angry look. He looks kind of familiar.........

He turns to the man with interesting eyebrows and almost yells at him

"GALLY! Tell your bloody son to keep his buggin arms off my daughter!" In an accent strongly like mine and Jonahs.

"Well you, Newt, it looks like your daughter has her arm 'round my sons waist! Tell her to shuck off!"

Whoa whoa whoa!



"Hey now!" The Asian man interrupts. "Is no one concerned that Harriet's daughter is on my sons back!?"

They both look at him, annoyed.

"No Minho! We aren't!" They say in unison.


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