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Ella's POV

I ran to the woods again. I checked my pockets for my knife. "WHERE IS IT! Someone must have taken it! Ugh! These bloody boys are sooooo annoying!"

"Aren't they just!" It was Philip. Ugh why won't he leave me alone!

"You know you shouldn't be walking alone, Ella." He says as I glare at him.

I decide the only way to be alone is to run to my tree and hope he doesn't think to look there. So that's what I do.

"Hey! Where are ya going! Didn't ya just hear me! You shou-" I am to far away to hear him finish his sentence.

When I got to my tree I climb up to my spot, only to find my knife.......stuck in the tree. There is a heart carved into the bark.......it has an E and a P carved in to with my knife in between.

I knew who the initials were for, me and Philip. I am the only person with a name that starts with an E. And Philip is the only glader whose name starts with a P. Why the bloody hell would OUR initials be in the heart?! Who did this?

I finally decide, after about twenty minutes in deep concentration, that it was me in while I was sleeping cuz who would steal my knife and climb 40ft in the air just to put our initials in a carved heart. Weird, why would I carve that? I don't even like him, UNLESS...........we knew each other before the maze! Which we did, my dad said we were in the same bloody kindergarten class, right? We could of grown up together! What if we had had a relationship? I shook that stupid thought out of my head.

Then I heard them yelling for me.



I roll my eyes. Jonah and Philip. I quickly scramble down my tree and up another a few yards over.

"Hey Jonah, let's split up. I'll go this way you go that way." I hear Philip say, holding my breath.

Philips POV

After Jonah and I split up, I walk to the tree Ella first ran to yesterday. I climb ALLLLL the way up. But she isn't there.


I start to climb down when a shiny object catches my eye. It's a knife stabbed into the trunk. 'Where did she get a knife?" I wonder examining it closer. I gasp as I see a heart and two initials carved into the tree with the knife between them. "What the shuck?" I think out loud, "why would she carve THIS?" I gotta admit, I really didn't expect to find this! I mean, yeah I THINK Ella and I are friends, not even good friends or anything. Obviously she thinks something COMPLETELY different.

I got down from the tree and started calling for Ella walking a bit further.


"So her name is Ella?" Shuck! Luke! I didn't even hear him coming! She's going to be sooooo mad at me!

"Umm well yeah...." I try for a smile.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, slinthead!" Luke growled.

"Well, you see I tried but she wouldn't let me! So if your going to be mad at anyone, you should be mad at her. Might even want to throw her in the Slammer for a few days since she keeps running away!" Did I really just suggest that? I AM a slinthead! But I was too mad at her to take it back.

"Yeah...." He says slowly, "Yeah! I think that's what we will do! After you find her, THROW HER IN THE SLAMMER! Keep her there for three days with only bread and water!" With that he walked away smiling to himself. Shuck it! I'm so stupid.

Something wet dropped on my head. I touch the top of my head and find there's a wet slimy substance there.
"Ugh, what the shuck is this!" I mumble looking up. And guess what's up in the tree. More like a who!

"Did you spit on me?!" I ask her shocked and disgusted. I see her smirking as she makes her way to the ground. Then she's glaring at me, again.

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!" My voice getting higher with each word, "YOU ALMOST GOT ME THROWN IN THE SLAMMER, THEN YOU SPIT ON MY HEAD?!" I regret the first part as soon as it comes out because I got HER thrown in the Slammer. And my the way she slaps my face and growls at me confirms that she over heard me and Luke talking.

"Just for that, I'm not even going to let you get breakfast!" I say grabbing her and pulling her to the Slammer. Strangely enough she doesn't struggle .

"Have fun." I say sarcastically walking off , leaving her there.

I find Luke sitting at his usual table.

"Is she in the Slammer?"

"Yeah but I don't think three days will be enough." I say shaking my head.

"Why? What happened?" Luke asked suddenly interested.

"She was up in a tree and while I was under it she spit on me. then she slapped me, so hard it was more like a punch, when I tried to get her to go to the Slammer nicely. I ended up having to drag her there." I know I stretched the truth a little, but it s for her own good. I think. I hope.

"Fine. How long should it be now?" Luke looks slightly annoyed, like he just wants to go back to eating his breakfast.

"Two weeks." It just slipped right out of me.

"Ok." Luke nods before shouting to the other gladers, "GREENIE IS ON THE SLAMMER FOR TWO WEEKS! NOTHIN' BUT BREAD AND WATER, YA SHANKS HEAR ME!"

There was a chorus of 'Good that' s.
But one glader looked depressed. That glader was Jonah.

So far so good? Please, comments and ideas!

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