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Ella's POV

For a month neither Mia not Jonah were allowed to have dessert. I was going to make it longer but I decided I was being unruly. But I have decided that it's okay for them to be a couple and I should probably back off a little. 😁😊 They are officially a couple though.

'Today is going to be a fun day' I tell myself as I wake up. I leave Inito and do my usual twenty one laps around the Galde. Gotta stay fit since I can't run the maze since THE SHUCKIG DOORS WONT SHUCKING OPEN!!!! SO NOW WE ARE TRAPPED IN THIS SHUCKING GLADE WITH A BUNCH OF ANNOYING KLUNK HEADS!!! But we are dealin with it. 😔

After I finish my laps with the other Runners, Mia comes walkin up to me and she looked excited.

"Hey Ella! Great news! I found out something we can do until the shucking doors open!" She didn't give me time to answer. "I don't have a name for it but I'll explain it to you! So i asked the Creators for cards with numbers on them, I remembered them from our past, and we each have different betting items. I was thinking something like ten cookies, two apples, and any other items people wouldn't mind using as betting things. Anyway, a person named the Card Holder gives everyone two cards and they try to have the higher......hmmmm I haven't actually thought this all out so can you please help me?"

Wow what a rant! She's good at those types of things.

"Yeah sure! It's not like I'm running the Maze anymore. Let me just wash up, eat, and I'll meet you in Deaheads." I answered. I think this will be fun to make up a game.

"Yay! Thank you Ella! Can I have dessert now?" Mia says with a pretend pouty face.

"Haha yes Mia just go ask Matt and tell him Luke said you could." I respond with a smirk.

She gives me a grin and runs off. I think this will be fun helping her make up a game to take our minds off of the depressing circumstances. I admit that all of this, the code for getting out, the griever hole being the way out, the doors closing and not opening, every bit of it is unexpected.

Jonahs POV

"SAMMY! Calm down!" Luke yells as Sammy thrashes against our grip.

"NO! SHE'S GONE! NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME!" He screams. He's been like this ever since Gracie died on our epically failed escape night. We lost so many lives that night. About ten guys went insane afterwards and fifteen died from infections.

"Sammy listen to me! She died saving you! Don't let that be in vain!" I try and tell him but he won't listen. Suddenly he goes still and stared at the wall. Then Kathryn walks in the room eating a pickle. Sammy slowly turns his head and looks at Kathryn. On his face is the scariest, creepiest glare I have ever seen in my life. Kathryn is startled and takes a step back.

"Whoa dude! Don't judge the pickle!" She says in a surprisingly calm voice. Sammy's face softens. He almost smiles.

"Gracie? Is that you?" Everyone is shocked.

"No Sammy. It's Kathryn. Gracie's friend." Kathryn slowly tells him. Sammy's expression turns to angry, hurt, and sadness all at once.

"IF YOUR NOT GRACIE YOU DONT DESERVE TO EAT PICKLES! GRACIE LOVED PICKLES! ONLY SHE CAN EAT THEM! YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN THERE! YOU COULD'VE SAVED HER!!!" Yeah, he's gone. Katie runs from the room with tears her eyes. Gracie was close with all the girls and it was hard for them when she got smushed between the doors.

"Jonah, help me tie him up." Luke orders me, I can hear the sadness in his voice.

After we tie him up and leave the room the lunch bell rings.

When I get to my seat with my food Ella and Mia, beautiful beautiful Mia, are already sitting there with their plates empty.

"Whoa, why are you two already finished lunch?" I ask and smile at Mia. She blushes. Yes!

"I helped Mia make up a game and we are going to play it after lunch." Ella tells me.

"Oh is that why you have like a million cookies and is that sixteen apples?" I try and count the cookies but get mixed up.

"Yah! We're gonna call it Straight, because you have to keep a straight face while playing or you'll mess up and lose!" Mia says excitedly. I give her a strange look. That doesn't sound like my tough Mia....she sounds bubbley.
"I mean, yeah. Hurry up and eat so we can play!"

There's my girl! I proudly think. Demanding to get her way!

"Me, you, Mia, Philip, Kathryn, Luke, Juliana, and Matt are going to be playing. All the other Gladers have to keep working." Ella reports.

I finish my lunch, grab a few of my few possessions, and meet everyone back at the table.

Mia hands out the cards and the game begins.

Luke's POV

"BOO YA!! I WIN! AGAIN!" Kathryn shouts. She gets up and does a little dance around the table.

She has won fifteen rounds of Straight. In a row. She has fifty cookies, ten apples, three watches which were bet by Runners, my shirt, Jonah's belt, one of Mia's combat boots (I don't know why she only bet one), lots of bacon from Juliana, and Matt is her personal cooking slave for a week.

"Well! I'm going to retire! I'm getting a bit hungry!" Kathryn says and she gathers her stuff and strides off to Inito.

"We should just stop. We've played like twenty-one rounds and Kathryn has won almost all of them." Philip says in dismay looking down at his two cookies. He picks one up and takes a bite. Everyone else nods in agreement.

"Ok shuck faces!" I say. Back to being the boss. "Fun's over! Back to work!"

What a game! We have to play that again! It was great!

I walk over to Homestead and check on Randy. He is still in a coma from the 'escape'. I start to help the Med-Jacks tend to other people's wounds. Like I told my friends. The fun is over and we have to get back to work. Better yet,

We have to get out of here.


hєчσ rєαdєrѕ!

hσpє чα líkєd thє chαptєr! plєαѕє plєαѕє plєαѕє gívє mє nєw ídєαѕ fσr thєѕє pσσr pσσr glαdєrѕ.

if чσu dídnt nσtícє, Straight íѕ juѕt Texas hold 'em вut thєч cσuldnt rєmєmвєr thє nαmє Poker.

A big thank you to curlcrazed who keeps inspiring me! Also thank you mazerunner5k for dealing with the loss of Gracie.

hαvє fun wαítíng fσr α nєw chαptєr pєєpѕ!

вчє вчє! 👋🏾

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