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"It's you, Eric Panda."

His eyes open really wide and his mouth drops open.

"I just made the connection! While I was in that stupid box I had memories of us playing games and me calling you Ella the Elephant.....we were like siblings...." Eric spreads his arms out, wanting a hug. I hesitantly oblige.

"Yeah but you were hugging him! For the millionth time this week!" Philip angrily shouts at me. It's been a week since Eric came here.
I spend a lot of time with him since we are good friends, not like siblings yet but getting there.

"I told you nothing's going on between us! Why can't you trust me?!" I shout back, tired of letting him win.

"Your my girlfriend! I gotta be protective of you!!"

"Not this bloody overprotective though!!!"

"It's my job as boyfriend!"

"NO ITS NOT! That's my brother's job! If your gonna be like this, then fine! I'm sure plenty of other guys would like to date me!"

"Pfft! Like you could get another boyfriend! No one would EVER want to date you!"

"And I wouldn't want to date them! That's because your the only glader I would ever want to date! But obviously you don't care about me like I care about you!" I start to tear up so I run out of homestead.

"W-wait! Ella! I didn't mean it!" He calls after me.

I turn to him.

"You meant every word of it!"

I keep running towards Deadheads and literally run into someone. I'm about to run away from them as well but they pull me into a hug.

"Hey, what's wrong?" It's Eric.

"Philly and I fought. He told me that no one likes me and-"

"Well he's wrong! I like you!" He states but quickly adds. "A-as a sister though."

I look up into his awesome blue eyes. I realize that we HAVE to get out of this maze, he deserves a better life than this.

Luke's POV

In the past seven months we've gotten three new greenie girls, Jordan, Bridget, and Marcelle, and four new guy, Leo, Nico, Frank, and Jason. Philip and Ella don't talk much anymore, but Ella, Jonah, and Eric are inseparable, kinda like Eric is their long lost brother.

"Hey, Luke!" Jonah gasps for air as he runs over to me. "The Runners! They found they way out!"

"Really? How?!" I ask, suddenly interested.

"We have to jump into the greiver hole and enter a code. But we still need to figure out the code." He explains

"Wonderful! Call a Keeper Gathering! Invite all the girls also. We have to find the code!"

"Slim it!" I shout over everyone. "The Gathering has officially begun. Does anyone have any ideas about this code thing?"

One Runner, a guy named Liam, raised his hand and spoke.

"I had this memory. I was with Jonah and his dad. His dad was telling us a story about when HE was trapped in a maze. He said that the Runners copied the maps onto parchment paper and lined them up. Each week made a new letter. We should try that."

And we did.

"The last letter is L!" Ella announced. "All together it says....the children of the original? What does that mean?"

"Who cares? Let's get all the gladers and leave this hellhole!" Says a very enthusiastic, and attractive, Kathryn.

Ella's POV

"Gather 'round everyone! Get your weapons!" I call, after Luke tells everybody about our escape plan. Once everyone has a knife or five, we make our way into the glade. Surprisingly everyone agreed to come along.

"Take a left up here!" Jonah shouts. He and Mia are running side by side. Jonah told me about there kiss. Ever since then they have been awkward around each other. They like each other a lot but won't admit it. Too bad Philip and I aren't on speaking terms at the moment. It's been seven months since our fight and he has avoided me ever since.

"Another right!"

We eventually turn the last corner and when we do, a dozen greivers are there waiting for us.

"Ok everyone! Nows the time!" Luke begins. "Be careful. Don't die."

"Charge!" We all scream.

Things are lookin' good. Only five glader guys have died and I'm almost at the greiver hole. The plan is whichever keeper, or glader girl, gets to the hole first will enter the code which will hopefully shut down the maze.

I approach the hole after saving Billy from being eaten and I'm about to jump. Suddenly, out of nowhere, someone shoved me aside and says.

"I'm going first, you shucky shuck face!" And Clancy jumps into the greiver hole.

"Ella! Behind you!" Gracie calls.

I turn to be face to face with a greiver. I start charging at it. I stab it and hack at it until it dies. I quickly glance around to see who else is alive. Two more greivers left! 'Whoa, it looks like we might actually make it!' I think to myself.

As if on cue, HUNDREDS of more geivers come out of thin air. There is no way we can kill them all!

"Retreat! There's too many of them!" I scream. "Retreat!"

All the gladers seem to get the message and sprint in the direction of the Glade. I follow them. As I run away from the griever hole, I faintly hear someone screaming.

"No! You can't leave me! NOOOO!"

Who could that be? Oh right! Clancy! He didn't show up to the Keeper Gathering so he doesn't know the code! That sucks! Oh well! Bye bye Clancy!

Philips POV

"Hurry up! The doors close soon!" I tell everyone. the only people who are left are Sammy and Grace. It doesn't look like they are going to make it.

"Come one Gracie! Come on Sammy!" A glader yells.

Grace has a huge gash on her stomach, probably from a griever. She has to make it!

Sammy is almost in when he turns and sees Grace struggling. The doors start to close. He races back to get her. The doors are almost closed and they aren't almost there. Grace trips over Sammy's foot and stumbles, loosing precious time. Sammy helps her up and they continue on their way. They are almost there when.....


I like trains🚂🚋🚋🚋

How's that for a cliff hanger?
Great right!

Sorry mazerunner5k but this has to happen.

Ta ta for now! 👋🏾

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