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Philips POV

After she ran off I told Jonah to follow her but he couldn't keep up with her. He's the shucking Keeper of the runners and he can't keep up with a girl?
"She's bloody fast, though!" Jonah complains when he sees me and Luke staring at him,bwide eyed.
"Well I don't think she needs to try out all the jobs, we gotta make her a runner!" Luke says happily. "What do us think Phil?
"First off, don't call me Phil. Secondly, yeah if Jonah agrees." I say with a shrug.
"I'm all for it! A new fast runner! We were looking for another since Max got stung." Jonah smiles.
"Great, but now we need to find her! Philip, you and Sammy go look in the woods" says Luke hastily.
Luke rolls his eyes as Sammy and I run into the woods.

We find her up in a tree sleeping.
"Shuck, are we supposed to get her down from there?" Sammy whines.
"Ummm let me think. She's up in a tree and I bet she climbed up. Sooooo my idea is TO CLIMB UP THE SHUCKING THING AS WELL!!"

I start to climb and I tell Sammy to stay down just incase something goes wrong. When I reach her, I shake her shoulder when she suddenly sits up, with her eyes closed, and screams "NO YOU CANT TAKE US!! WE'RE JUST KIDS!!" Then she slumped back down like it never happened. I shake her shoulder again but she isn't waking up. "Your a shucking deep sleeper, greenie! Hey Sammy? Get me a cup of water, she isn't waking up!" Sammy nodded and ran back to homestead.

Gabriellas POV

I fell a sleep in a tree and I was having a horrid nightmare. I was with this boy and we were being taken away from our parents. My mum was crying but she still looked beautiful with her dark brown hair. My dad (the one face I remembered in the cage earlier) shouted "Gabriella! You have to keep your brother safe! Whatever they do to you don't ever forget your twin brother!" At that the people taking us away finally pulled us out the door. that's when u screamed "NO YOU CAN'T TAKE US! WE'ER JUST KIDS!"
But they wouldn't stop. My brother and I kicked and squirmed but couldn't get away.

Then there was a wave of water.

I woke up sopping wet. I looked around and saw Philip in the tree too with a cup. I glared at him and shoved him. He was about to fall 40ft to the ground. (hey I'm not that mean!!) so I quickly grabbed his collar and pulled him back towards the tree still glaring at him.

He was gasping for air as he said "S-sorry! I was j-just trying to wake you up. Dinners soon." I nodded and started to climb down thinking to myself 'phew! That was close! Maybe if I still don't talk to them I won't get into any trouble.'

When I get to the ground I wait for him to show me were dinner is. I didn't realize how bloody hungry I was!

Philip and this guy named Sammy walk me to a place full of other guys. I scan the room looking for girls but there are none. I sigh and walk over to where this person his handing out food.
"Matt, this is the greenie. Greenie this is Matt, our cook." Philip introduces us.
I just nod while shaking his hand.
"Quiet one, huh?" Matt chuckles.
"Yeah, hasn't said a word yet." Philip says shaking his head sadly.

Was that a good length?

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