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Jonahs POV

She bloody talked! I couldn't believe it! Obviously she didn't want to talk about her dream so I got up to show her where she would be sleeping. Philip and I had decided that she could share a room with us back at homestead.
Strange.....I felt like I needed to protect this greenie, no matter what. It's like we knew each other before we got put in this bloody maze.

When we reached homestead I took her to our room. I open the door and walk in.

"You'll be sharing a room with me and Philip." I say with a grin.

She walks around and sees that there are only two beds. She looks at me curiously.

"I'm gonna sleep on the floor" Philip states. Ella shakes her head, grabs our spare blanket and pillow, and sits on the floor getting it ready to sleep.

"I'm not gonna let you sleep on the shucking floor, greenie!"

"If you move me while I'm sleeping I will get up and move you back onto the bloody bed!" Ella says lying down and closing her eyes.

Philips POV

When I know she's asleep, I move Ella onto my bed and take her place on the floor.

"She not gonna be happy when she wakes up on the bed, Philly." Jonah warns me.

"Don't worry! She won't be able to move me back. And if she is mad then I'll just hide until she cools off" I say laughing.

"You don't get it do you? She needs to trust us! Or she might never say another bloody word!" Jonah shakes his head.

"W-what did you just say?" I ask suddenly realizing something VERY important.

"She needs to tru-"

"No after that. You said 'another bloody word' AND she said 'the bloody bed' in the same accent as you. Ever since we got here you were the only one with a shucking accent! But now we have a greenie sounds just like you!"

I see realization in his eyes when Ella sits up, eyes closed again, and says, giggling, "What kinda of name is Minho? Was Gally the one with weird eyebrows?" She keeps giggling as she falls back onto the bed.

Ellas POV

After I fell asleep I had another dream.

I was about five years old and I was sitting on my dads lap with my brother Jonah. "Daddy! Daddy! Tell us the story of when you were in the maze!" I squeak with delight. Jonah grins in agreement.

"Well," He began. "One by one every month they started putting us in the glade after renaming us. They called me Newt. My friends were Minho, keeper of the runners, Chuk, a Slopper, and Alby, our leader. There was this guy named Gally. He was the keeper of the builders. Pretty harsh guy if you ask me!"

"You had a friend named NEMO?!"

"No no no! Minho!" He answers chucking.

"What kind of name is Minho? Was Gally the one with the weird eyebrows?" I say giggling.

"He was indeed, love! Well, after three years of being in there a shank named Thomas who can up in the box and two days later a girl came up! She had a note in her hand saying she was the last one ever. Can you guess who Thomas is?"

"Is he Mr. Thomas our neighbor?" Jonah says.

"Very good, Jonah. Thomas got married to Mrs. Brenda." My dad replies happily.

"Ohhhhh! Mr. Thomas in the maze with you?" I ask, awestruck.

"Yep he helped us get out of the maze. Their son Sammy is in your kindergarten class, remember? Along with Minho's son, Luke, Gally's son, Philip, and Chuck's son, Seth." He starts to fade as I wake up.

I wake up with Philip and Jonah staring down at me.
"AHHH!" I scream, falling off the bed. THE BED! PHILIP MOVED ME! "WHAT THE HECK! WHY ARE YOU PEEPS STARIN AT ME WHILE I'M SLEEPING?! I TOLD YA NOT TO MOVE ME PHILIP! BUT YOU DID ANYWAY! WHY WOULD YA LET HIM DO THAT JONAH! IM YOUR SISTER YOUR SUPPOSED TO BLOODY STICK UP FOR ME!" I stomp out of the room, down the stairs, and run into the Asian dude, who by the way has very nice hair.

"Hey! Slow down there greenie!" It's Luke, my dads best friends son.

"Get out of my Luke! Just because our parents were best friends doesn't mean we are!"

"Woah! So you can talk! But how do ya know my name, greenbean? And what about our parents?"

I shake my head, refusing to speak again.

Wow! A lot happened there! Haha
Seriously, anyone have any ideas?

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