40 3 2

Grace grabs Sammy and kisses him. She then shoves him into the Glade and says

"I love you Sammy!"

And the doors close, with Grace sandwiched in the middle. Sammy breaks down. We all leave him to mourn in peace.

We have a bon-fire in Graces honor that night. Since I'm second in command I have to say a speech, Luke said one for Madalyn.

"Grace was one of us. We all liked her, but some of us loved her." I begin. Some girls and Sammy start to cry. "Grace sacrificed her life for the Keeper of the Med-Jacks today. Though, everyday she gave her time and effort into saving the hurt gladers. She gave her strength and knowledge to the other Med-Jacks, and today she gave her life for a fellow Med-Jack. THREE CHEERS FOR GRACE THE GIVER!"

I take my leave from the front of the crowd. I'm looking for someone. Someone I haven't talked to in a while. Someone that if they had been in Grace's place I would have gone insane. And there she is. Gabriella. My one and only love.

I walk up to her, making eye contact with her. She turns away. So I put my hand on her shoulder and make her turn to me. The look in her eye is betrayal, hurt, and anger all mixed together.

"Ella. Listen to me-"

"NO YOU LISTEN TO ME PHILIP!You've ignored me for seven months! Seven months! And you decide to talk to me today? The day one of my best friends died!? Do you know how horrible it would've been if YOU had been in her place?! I would've felt like it was my fault! I would've gone crazy with guilt! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

"Nothing." She looks angrier. "Just this." And I kiss her.

She pulls back looking surprised.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting to do that?" I ask her. "All this time I thought that you wouldn't want to talk to me so I kept my distance. Now I see that that was a terrible idea. I can't live without you, Gabriella. I love you."

Ella's POV

Philly and I finally made up last night. But more importantly, we had a burial for Grace. Which was hard without a body, but we managed.

Today I wake up half an hour early. I decide to go look for my little brother and talk with him....about Mia.

I can't find him anywhere. Too bad for me. I go to the doors and wait for them to open. 3....2...1. OPEN!...................They didn't open.......maybe I got the timing wrong. 3...2...1....OPEN! Why aren't they opening!? I'll just wait here. Maybe they will open in ten minuets or something.

Lukes POV

"Luuuuuke!" Ella comes running up to me. "The doors! THEY AREN'T OPENING!"


"Yep! I've been waiting for hours! None of the doors are opening!"

"Shuck! Maybe the Creators don't want us to escape!"

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Well, I got to go. The Runners will have nothing g to do today! I gotta plan for us though."

"Okay. See ya!"

Two weeks. Two weeks and the doors haven't opened once. We also didn't get a new greenie. We had a Gathering and decided to deal with it. We going to start building a lake in the Deadheads where are get out water. We've got nothing better to do. Everyone is depressed. Everyone except Kathryn. Well she wasn't until she ha to begin a job. Her concussion has finally fully gone away.

Today she worked in the fields. When she came to dinner she was covered in grass and itching like crazy. She comes over and sits with the rest of us.

"Ugh! This grass makes me all itchy bitchy!"

"Kathryn!" Gasps Kathleen.

"What?" She replies innocently, not know what she just said. "All I said was that the grass makes me all itchy bitchy. You know, like the itchy bitchy spider who climbed the water spout?"

"It's the itsy bitsy spider." Ella hesitates before adding. "How do we even remember that thing? It's like we are all going crazy!"

"Crazy?" Kathryn cocks her head to the side and begins to sway, reciting this in a creepy voice:

"I was crazy once
They put me in a room
A round room
A round rubber room
A round rubber room with rats
Round rats
Round rubber rats
Round rubber rats with wheels
Round wheels
Round rubber wheels
Round rubber wheels that went
Round and round and round
'Till I went crazy!
I was crazy once....."

She kept reciting it 'till all the girls were swaying and reciting it with her. It was a site to see.😱😮😳😂

Sry that this chapter was short. I've got WRITERS BLOCK. idk what should come next! HELP MEEEE! I'm going crazy trying to think up ideas!

Gosh! Philips speech sucked! Sry mazerunner5k

Complements to curlcrazed for the pic @ da beginning. Thank you!

So, about that crazy rant thing. It's fun replacing the R's with another letter. My personal favorites are replacing it with either Z or W

I was zazy once
They put me in a zoom
A zound room
A zound zubber zoom
A zound zubber zoom with zats
Zound zats
Zound zubber zats
Zound zubber zats with wheels
Zound wheels
Zound zubber wheels
Zound zubber wheels that went
Zound and zound and zound
'Till I went zazy!
I was wazy once
They put me in a woom
A wound woom
A wound wubber woom
A wound wubber woom with wats
Wound wats
Wound wubber wats
Wound wubber wats with wheels
Wound wheels
Wound wubber wheels
Wound wubber wheels that went
Wound and wound and wound
'Till I went wazy!

Thank you to all my readers!

Stay lukewarm my noses!👃🏾

Ta ta for now👋🏾

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