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Philips POV


I stomp over them. Ella has stopped laughing at whatever Jonah just said. She sees me and turns away.

"JONAH! Your on Slopper duty until the greenie gets out on the Slammer! And no that doesn't mean you don't have to run on those days!"

"WHAT?! Why do I have to do shucking Slopper duty?" Ha! Like he doesn't know!

"I've seen you giving this here greenie half your dinner every night! Luke's orders were to give her ONLY bread and water! So, you get Slopper duty." I say putting my hands on my hips.

"Whatever." He mumbles.
"See ya Ella. Goodnight." he looks at her while walking away. She just nods at him not even looking our way.

When I walk away I say, "Night greenie." hoping to get even a nod, but I get nothing. I think her glare gets intenser......does that count?

Ella's POV

After my two weeks was finished, I became a runner and a month later I kicked Jonah out of the Keeper of the Runners position, with the approval of Luke of course.

The next two months went by fast. Nothing worth mentioning. I didn't talk to anyone except to ask Luke if I could be Keeper and I talked to my brother. Being the only girl does have its advantages. Examples are that I get to take showers first and everyone behaves when I'm around, even if I don't talk to them. I guess I intimidate them.

Anyway, on my third month of being there on the greenie day, something unexpected happened.

I got back from running and I went to meet the new greenie, like I always do. Well, as I was walking over tithe box I saw a familiar face coming towards me.

"Kathleen?!" I shout running towards her.

"GABRIELLA!" I hear her all me.

We meet half way with a hug.

"Who the shuck are you?" I ask pulling back, laughing. I don't even think I know her!

"I was about to ask you the same thing!" She smiles. "Weird right? We don't know who each other are but we know each other's name!"

"Yeah, funny." Seth says, somehow he materialized right next to us. Kathleen turns and looks at him.

"Oh my gosh! Seth!" And she gives him a hug too.

"Yeah, I remember her too, Ella." Seth says when he sees my confused look.

"How about you take her on the tour then? Philip won't mind." I tell him smiling. I've decided that since there's another girl, I will start talking. YES! I love talking! Have I ever told you how much I love talking! I love Philip, too! Woah, woah, WOAH! What did I just say? I did not just say I love Philip, did I? Well if I did, I meant to say Jonah.....

Luke's POV

ANOTHER GIRL! I guess we're gonna get one every three months from now on!


"LUKE! Robert got hurt!"

Ugh! Not another! Ever since Kathleen got put on Garden duty most of the runners have gotten themselves "accidentally" hurt. I think it's because when you get seriously injured in the maze, we put you automatically on Garden duty, permanently.

"Come here Ella!" Is how I answer.

"Yeah Luke?" She asks when she gets over to me.

"Make an announcement to the runners that if anyone else gets seriously hurt and its on purpose, they get Slopper duty instead of Garden duty. Permanently!"

"Sure thing Lukey!" Smiling she runs off. Shuck, I hate being called Lukey! What can't these slintheads get it through their heads? Oh yeah, it's because THEY ARE SLINTHEADS!

I can't wait until we get another greenie girl. I don't know why, but I can't wait. Finally the day comes and there's no greenie.

"This is rubbish! We didn't get a greenie girl today! Or a greenie guy!" Ella states harshly.

But I'm more concerned about Seth. He got stung today while covering for a injured runner. Kathleen stays by his side the 24/7. None of the gardeners worked today, Seth being their Keeper and all.

I stay up late that night pacing around near the Slammer. I can't sleep with Seth like this! He's one of my best friends!

Then I hear a banging coming from the box. Something weird was goin' on and where there's smoke, there's always a fire.

Haha that last sentence was for curlcrazed

Okay so, just to clarify some stuff in this book Chuck didn't die in the Maze Runner and Newt didn't die in the Death Cure. Ella and Jonah are twins and they are Newts kids. Ella has briwn hair and brown eyes and Jonah has dirty blonde hair and briwn eyes, like Newt. Luke is Minho's son. Philip is Gally's son, but he doesn't have weird eyebrows. Sammy is Thomas's son. Seth is Chuck's son, he is tall and skinny and handsome😋.

Does anyone have any ideas or comments? 😊

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