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Luke's POV

I walked over to the box and by that time the banging had stopped. 'What the shuck could it be?' I think. I cautiously open the box and see a girl sitting cross legged on the middle of the box hugging a crowbar.

"About time!" She screams at me. I wonder how long she's been in there.

Greenies POV

I was 'peacefully' sitting in my box after running around it running into anything I could find and wacking things with my crowbar, which I thought was a teddy bear at first, when someone opens the top. I can only see the out line of the person since it so dark up there. 'Woah! He has AMAZING hair!' I think when I look up at his head.

"About time!" I scream. I've been here for HOURS!

He's about to jump down into my box, so I do the most logical thing I can think of. I throw my crowbar at him. Well, that backfired because he put up his arm to shield his face. His arm happened to be super muscley so it bounced harmlessly off him and came soaring back at me.

It hits me right in my face and I fall over hitting my head on a crate. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR, DUFUS?!" I yell at him.

"Hey! You threw it at me!" He says. "Do you remember your name?"
I shake my head sadly. It never entered my mind that I couldn't remember my own name!

"Really? All the other girls remembered their names on the first day."

What! There are more people! Cool.

"You gonna come up or not? Cuz last time I tried to help you out you threw your crowbar at at me!"

I nod and try to get up but I fall back down. The world seems to spin when I try to stand. Mr. Amazing Hair jumps down and slowly help me stand. He lifts me out of the box. Then I can see him clearly. He's Asian and has gorgeous, soft black hair that shines in the moon light. His eyes are a chocolaty brown, like chocolate cake, or chocolate icing, or chocolate pudding. I seriously need some food.

"Can you get me some food?"

He laughs. 'That's rude.' I think to myself. "Nope! Sorry! It's 3:00 in the morning!"

"Dang it!"

"Can you walk?" He asks me not taking his eyes off me.

"No. Can you carry me?" I ask, being completely serious.

"Y-you want me to carry you?" Mr. Amazing Hair says, looking a little confused.

"Yeah! Carry me like a baby since I can't walk without the world spinning."

"Ummm I guess.." So he picks me up and takes me to a tree near this random building. He sets me down under it and takes a seat next to me.

Luke's POV

She rests her head on my shoulder and we talk for hours. She takes my mind off of Seth and all my other worries. Her eyes are so beautiful and she's really funny. I may be fallin' for this nameless greenie.

"I'm gonna go get you some food." I tell her getting up. I bet she's really hungry.

"But you said there was no food?"

"Yeah, I've changed my mind. Matt won't care if I take some food from his kitchen." She glares at me.

"Fine! He will care!" I say rolling my eye. Us gladers seem to do that a lot.

"But he won't find out!" I say slyly running to the kitchen. I find some bananas and mangos for her.

When I return to the tree she's asleep. I shake her shoulder to wake her up. When her eyes open I smile and say, "Found you some bananas!"

Greenies POV

I wake up to a stranger shaking me saying, "Found you some bananas!" I look over at him and scream, "WHO THE HECK ARE YOU!" I quickly stand up and start to run still screaming.

"Why is the world spinning?!" I yell before falling on my face. The random amazing haired stranger comes over to help me up, but I slap his hands away.

"Get your hands off me Mr. Amazing Hair Dufus!"

"Come on, greenie! Stop playin' around." He rolls his eyes.

"Why would I be playing around! I don't know you!" I see concern in his eyes now.

"B-but it's me Luke! Remember? I helped you out off the box and-"

"I don't know what the heck your talking about!" I cut him off. I get back up, on my own, and take a few shaky steps before I'm balanced. Who am I kidding! I'm not balanced! The world is still spinning!

I wobble back to the tree I was under. I see some mangos and bananas. 'Oh I can have some fun with these!' I think happily.

I pick the mangos up and start throwing then at Mr. Amazing Hair Dufus.


"W-what? I'm sorry! I didn't know!" He exclaims panicking.

After I run out of mangos I burst out laughing. I laugh so hard I cry. Mr. Amazing Hair Dufus is covered with mango guts! It looks super funny!

"Why are you laughing?" I hear him ask.

I stop laughing. "I'm not allergic to mangos! I just wanted to throw mangos at you!"

"YOU WHAT?!" He starts stomping my way. I think he furious.

So, I run away from Mr. Amazing Hair Dufus.


Comments? Ideas? Anything? 👧🏾

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