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Jonahs POV

After Philip went off to shower, I went and visited Ella.

"Hey. You okay?" As usual, she just nods. We sit there in silence. I stare at her and she stares at the wall with her back facing me.

After what seems like a million years I break the silence.

"Are we siblings?"

Her head snaps around and she FINALLY looks at me. But she only shrugs and turns back around. I don't press her like any other glader would have I just leave her a plate of food, not just bread, and whisper, "If not today, then maybe tomorrow. Don't let anyone see the food." Then, I run out into the maze resuming my job as a runner.

Ella's POV

I hate you Philip! I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU! It makes me so mad that he told Luke my name AND told Luke to put me in the bloody Slammer! Plus! To make matters worse, he asked Luke to change it from three days to TWO BLOODY WEEKS! Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have minded staying in this place not having to talk to anyone or do a job that I don't want to do. It's just that Philip ASKED Luke to put me in here! I didn't do ANYTHING to deserve to be put in here! Oh yeah, did I mention that I HATE PHILIP! And that I'm not going to talk to him while I'm in here if he comes to drop off my 'meals'. I won't even look at him. I might NEVER talk to him.

Anyhow, at least Jonah is nice to me. I'm not sure if I should explain the whole 'I remember stuff and we are siblings and we knew Luke, Philip, and Sammy when we were little' thingy to him yet. Like he said 'If not today, then maybe tomorrow.'

A few hours later Philip comes by with my 'lunch'.

"Better eat it before it gets cold." He snaps at me when I don't say anything to him and don't touch, let alone look at, the bread he threw in the Slammer.
'Like this week old bread was ever warm in the first place' I think to myself, rolling my eyes.

When he realizes I'm not going to acknowledge him, he walks away. Bloody hell! Those are the times when it's the hardest to keep quiet. There were so many things I could of said, but didn't.

Jonah gets back late in the day and comes straight over to see me. And I'm there, waitin' for 'em.

"How's it goin'?" He 'asks', not expecting me to answer.
"I just need to go to the Map Room and record my notes and findings and things. I'll be right back, kay?" He runs off before I can even nod.

"Hey, I'm back. You hungry? Cuz I know I bloody am!"

"Yep." I reply without thinking but Jonah just pulls an apple out of his backpack thingy and hands it to me.

"I wish you would talk more." he suddenly tells me while I'm finishing up my apple. "Or at least talk to me."

I look up at him. He looks kinda sad.

"If not today, then maybe tomorrow." I whisper as he walks away to get his dinner. I didn't think he would hear me, but he did. I know because he looked back at me with a small smile on his face.

Philips POV

Something's goin' on with Jonah and the greenie. I need to find out what it is. Jonah's ALWAYS at the Slammer now! He even started runner faster and taking less breaks just to get back and sit by the Slammer.

It's been five days since I put Ella in the Slammer. When I go to give her her meals, she just crosses her arms and glares at the wall. Not even casting me one little glance, but when Jonah goes and sits near there, she turns around and smiles at him. What? No, I haven't been spying on them 24/7! More like......just Ella. I see when Jonah brings her real food from his dinner, when he just sits next to the Slammer for hours on end, and when they talk in hushed voices about 'secret' things. It annoys the shuck out of me that she won't talk to ME! Wait! Umm I mean, I d-don't care if she talks to me or not! I could care less about h-her! She annoys me........doesn't she?

Jonahs POV

For the last week I have been getting to know Ella more and more. At first I would just bring her half of my dinner, then I would sit with her just enjoying the silence. And every time I left, I would say "I wish you would talk more." and she would reply in a whisper "If not today, then maybe tomorrow."

Then suddenly out of nowhere, she started asking me questions. I explained the glade, the maze, the Creators, and how she will be a Runner when she gets out of the Slammer. Then it was my turn to have my questions answered. She told me that we are siblings and our dad was in a maze when he were our age but with no girls except the last greenie his maze ever got. And how we new Luke, Philip, and Sammy when we were little kids. Her sudden burst of talking was so.......so unexpected. It seemed like she had been holding it in ever since she got here, which is probably true.

Today I finish running the maze super early and go straight to the Slammer.

"Hey! Have fun ignoring life while I was gone?"

"Haha very funny, Jonah." she responds while smiling and rolling her eyes.

"Got you a sandwich!" I take a bite out of it before handing it to her.

"EWWWW! BOY COOTIES!" She says laughing taking the sandwich.

As usual we talk until dinner, cuz that's when I go get a plate of food for us to share.
"I'm happy you talk more." I tell her.

"Anything for you little brother." Before I can get up she reaches over to me and gives me a sisterly kiss on my cheek.

"Hey we're twins! How the bloody hell do you know that you're older?"

"Wellllll! You were supposed to answer 'thanks little sis' but ya didn't so I have to go explain the bloody thing to you!" By this time she's rolling in the ground laughing.

That's when I see Philip storming over to us.

Any ideas or comments anyone?

Thanks curlcrazed and mazerunner5k !!

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