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Jonahs POV

Ella comes to dinner with a black eye. It's dark purple, green, and a sickly shade of yellow.

"Ella..." I start, a little concerned. It looks like she's been crying. Whoever gave her that black eye must be really strong. Why does she always get in fights?

She just shrugs me off and sits at another table, alone. What's wrong? I walk over to her and I'm about to ask her what happened. She doesn't look at me but says,

"It's was...." She stuffs food in her mouth at the last part.


"It was....." This time she 'coughs'.

"Okay, don't tell me. I'll find out on my own." I walk away and go look for Philip. He probably knows what happened.

Twenty minuets I look for him. I can't find him anywhere.

Philips POV

I was in the weapons room thinking about Henry and how he died today in the maze. He was like a brother to me. I hear some people come in. Grrrrr. I just want to be alone.

"Leave! Now!" My back still turned to them.

"Awww come on Philly. What's wrong?" Kathleen. And she called me Philly. That does it.

"WHY CANT YOU SLINTHEADS LEAVE ME ALONE?!" I have tears in my eyes as I try to walk out the door. Kathleen and someone else stand in my way. So I shove them to the side and run to Deadheads to my secret fort no one knows about. I'm gonna stay here 'till tomorrow.

Ella's POV

"Hey, Kathleen! You wanna help me find Phil?" I says when I see Kathleen.

"Yah, sure!"

We walk around the glade and don't find him.

"We haven't checked in the weapons room. Lets go there." Kathleen suggests. I nod.

We walk into the weapons room. Philip is there. He's slouching in his seat. He must be upset.

"Leave! Now!" He commands.

"Awww come on Philly. What's wrong?" Kathleen coos. Uh oh. He hates being called Philly, especially when he's upset.

"WHY CANT YOU SLINTHEADS JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!" He tries to walk out the door but we are standing in front of the door. He shoves us out of his way and storms out.

When he shoves us, he shoves us hard. Kathleen and I stumble to the side and we both trip on a crate. I start to feel sharp pricks everywhere. I hear Kathleen screech. I try to get up to help her, but I can't move. Slowly, I loose conciseness.

Jonahs POV

Three bloody days. Kathleen and Ella haven't woken up in three bloody days. Sammy, Med-jack Keeper, says it's because they lost so much blood when they fell into the assorted weapons crate. now all our spears and knives are covered in their blood. Luke's gonna get the Slicers to clean it up.

I don't even know how they came to falling into the crate. They aren't clumsy. Anyway, Ella got a knife to the head. Kathleen got a knife to the back. They aren't lookin' too good.

I'm going to visit Ella today.

"Hey Sam. How are they?" I ask Sammy.

"They should wake up in another day or so. Kathleen won't be able to garden for a few weeks and Ella shouldn't run for at least a month." A whole month? She's not gonna like that.

"Okay, can ya give us a minute, shank?" He smiles and walks out.

I go over to Ella and hold her hand. It's cold.

"I know you probably can't hear me but I wanted to talk to you any way...."

Ella's POV

I have a dream about when I'm nine years old. Im sitting in a class room. I look around and see a little Sammy, Luke, Seth, Kathleen, Kathryn, Jonah, Philip, and....the newest greenie girl. She comes walking over to me, she's holding something.

"Here. I made us friendship bracelets. Don't tell anyone about them. They'll be our secret." she hands me a bracelet.

"Whoa! Cool thanks!" I tie the bracelet around my ankle. The dream quickly fades.

I think I'm about to wake up but I don't. Why am I not waking up?! I start to panic a little. Oh yeah! I fell into a weapons crate. How clumsy of me. Wait! I wasn't being clumsy, I was pushed........by Philip.

I need to wake up. My brain tells my body to wake up but it doesn't. I hear Sammy enter the room. He opens my mouth and spoons soup into it. Then he drips water into my mouth.

"Hey Sam. How are they?" Jonah.

"They should wake up in another day or so. Kathleen won't be able to garden for a few weeks and Ella shouldn't run for at least a month." Sammy replies. A WHOLE MONTH! NO! NO! NO! What am I going to do in that whole month?!

"Okay, can ya give a minute, shank?" I hear Sammy walk out.

Jonah walks over to me and holds my hand.

"I know you probably can't hear me but I wanted to talk to you any way," I CAN HEAR YOU! I CAN! I mentally scream. He goes on about how his day was an that the day I fell into the crate, Henry was killed by a greiver. Shuck it! One of my best runners.

Ohhhhhh! That's why Philip was mad and upset! They were like brothers!

"I'll come back tomorrow. Wake up soon. Please." He sounds desperate. After he leaves I make a decision. I HAVE to wake up.

For ten minutes I tell myself to wake up. Nothing happens. Finally I get frustrated. 'WAKE UP!!!!' I mentally yell to myself.

I wake up gasping for air, but I only have one thing on my mind. I check my an ankle and see that it's bare. I need to find the stubborn greenie girl.

Anyone cry? No? GOOD!

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