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Luke's POV

I don't know what to do so I go over to her and rap her in my arms, hoping to comfort her.

After about ten minutes she looks at me.

"Luke? What happened to me?" SHE CALLED ME LUKE! She never calls me Luke, only Mr.Amazing Hair Dufus.

"I don't know. Are you better now?" She nods.

"I don't think that was water. It had a peculiar flavor." She says, studying my face. I stare right back at her.

"Kathryn." she whispers. "I remember my name."

"Your name's Kathryn? You remember? That's great!" I shout, jumping up and pulling her with me. "I knew you would remember."

"That's not all I remember." she blushes. "I remember coming here and sitting in the box for hours. I remember you, too."

My cheeks get hot. "What about me do you remember?"

"Us. Sitting under this tree. Talking for hours. You getting me food. Then, forgetting you. I never want to forget you again."

"And I don't want to forget you and all your ridiculousness."

"Promise?" She holds out her pinkie.

"Promise." I intertwine our pinkies. Then I do what I've wanted to do ever since I laid eyes on her. I lean in and connect our lips.


Jonahs POV

I'm sitting down eating breakfast when Ella and Philip come walking over. Philip has his arm around Ella and she's leaning her head on his shoulder.

"What do you think your doing with my little sister?" I growl at him. That's my sister, he can't have her.

"Calm down little bro. It's all good. We fancy each other." Ella tells me, kissing Philip on his cheek.

"Ugh. Not while I'm eating." I complain. I get up to move to an empty table. On my way there, Luke and Nameless Greenie walk in hand in hand.

"SHE REMEMBERS HER NAME!" Luke shouts for all to hear. "MEET KATHRYN, OUR UN-NAMELESS GREENIE!" Everyone cheers and guess what! SHE kisses Luke on his cheek. BLAH! I gotta get out of here!

I hurry to my room and finish eating there in peace.

Ella's POV

After breakfast, Philip and I go for a walk around the glade before I have to run.

As we are walking I see this glader with a crate labeled 'Knives'. The crate is so big that it covers his face and he can't see that he's about to slip on a banana peel. I leave Philip and sprint over to him just as he slips. The topless crate flies in the air and all the knives in it fly out. They begin to drop on to the fallen glader. Luckily I'm there and I kick some knives, somehow without getting hurt, away from him. I catch the last one, spin on my heel, and throw it at the closest tree. THUNK.

"Shuck! Thanks Ella!" He says getting up.

"No problem, Billy." I turn to continue my walk with Philip. He meets me half way, grinning.

"How are you so amazing?" He asks me.

"I just am amazing." I reply, striking a pose. We both laugh.

Two months later on greenie day we get the most obnoxious, rudest, and bloody irritating greenie ever. His name is Clancy. No one likes him. He tries to boss people around while he works and we have to keep reminding him that he isn't the Keeper of the Builders. He thinks he's all that. He's really ugly, too. Ugh! I just can't stand him!

The next month is greenie girl month. I love getting greenie girls. I so happy we haven't had a difficult one yet.

Well that all changed when greenie girl day came 'round.

I came back from running and I find someone in my tree. It's the greenie girl.

"Hey! What are ya doin' I'm my tree? Didn't ya read the bloody sign." I call up to her.

"I read the sign but I don't think it's bloody." She says. Oh she did not just make fun of my accent!

"GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW, GREENIE!" She doesn't listen. I'm getting angrier with each passing second.

"Make me." She smirks. 'Calm yourself.' I tell myself. I take a deep breath.

"Have it your way." And I walk away to find Philip.

I find him in the middle of the woods, sitting on a log. I walk over to him, snapping twigs on my way.

"Go away." He says. I bet he thinks it's one of the guys. I keep walking towards him. When I reach him I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, it's just me."

To my surprise he growls and says,

"I want to be alone! I told you to go away, shuck face!"

He jumps up and punches me in the face. OUCH. THAT HURT. Physically and emotionally. My fists start to shake with anger. 'Don't punch him back. Dint punch him back. It will only make things worse.' I tells myself. It takes all of my willpower to not punch him or knee him in the stomach.

"E-Ella! I'm so s-sorry!" He starts to panic once he realized what he's done, but it's too late.

All I can do is shake my head and walk away. Leaving him there, shouting after me.


Didn't expect that! Did ya? Did ya? No! Sorry to anyone who wanted Phella to be an easy relationship! (Love isn't smooth as Shakespeare says.) I realized that if Philip is Gally's son, he needs to act like Gally some bloody times. Violent, careless, mean. This is not the last bloody time Gally's side of Philip will show.

Any Darkest Minds fans out there? Did ya get the reference? Clancy.....obnoxious, irritating, rude........

Comments? Ideas? I really want to know what ya think about it.

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