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Ella's POV

"So you fancy him."

"No Ella." She says looking confused. "I like him."

"Yeah. That's what I said. You fancy him."

"Ugh! Whatever! Just don't tell anyone. I want a tough image."

By this time Jonah is waking up to us.

"Hello little brother!" I exclaim, smirking and wiggling my eyebrows at him. "I was just about to get lunch! Here, take my spot. You and Mia can chit-chat!"

I get up and walk away.

I've already talked to Jonah about Mia. He fancies her as well. I think she would be good for him. He's kind of shy and she's loud and outgoing. Perfect.👌🏾


We got a new greenie girl three months ago. Her name Gracie. She got put in the Slammer for a month cause she tried to kill Sammy after she got out of the box. Twice. And after she got out of the Slammer, she tried to kill Clancy. What a shame. She got put in the box for another two months. All is good now, though. She's a Med-jack. We are friends.

Mia and I are better friends then before. Sadly Jonah hasn't made a move yet. Disappointing little brother. Philip and I are friends now. Not like before.....we're makein ' progress. I'm allowed to run. I love running. Not as much as Philip though. W-wait! No! I meant.......ugh I give up!

"Today's greenie girl day." Philip tells me.

"Yah. I hope we get a good listener who doesn't try to kill people." I say with a laugh.


"I gotta get runnin'. Walk with me?"

"Of course." He smiles and we walk to the West door.

I'm about to run into the maze when Philip grabs my hand.

"Ella. Listen. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have punched you. I shouldn't have pushed you and Kathleen. I know it's been six months but I feel like you haven't forgiven me. I haven't forgiven myself. Plea-" I cut him off with a kiss. At first he was shocked but he finally relaxed. He rapped his arms around me. I think he knows now that he's forgiven.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL! GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER!" Jonah screams running over to us. A few months back he found out that it was Philip who almost killed me and Kathleen.

We pull apart just in time for Jonah to shove Philip into the west wall.

"Stay. Away. From. Her." He says through gritted teeth. He kicks Philip in the stomach and walks off.

"Should've thought that through. Sorry." I tell him when I get over to 'em.

"It's o-okay. I'm f-fine." he smiles weakly. I help him up.

"So, we a t-thing again?" He asks shyly.

"I guess...." I say blushing slightly. Then I run off into the maze.

Philips POV

Yes! She forgave me! I'm super happy. For the last six months I've been thinking she hasn't forgiven me. Like, to be honest, I almost killed myself multiple times. But then I saw her. She looked to beautiful that I knew I had to stick around just to look at her. I love her.

After she ran into the maze I went to my usual duty of organizing things and helping people with their jobs.

"Hey Juliana! Can ya make me some bacon?"

"No." She snarled at me. "The bacon is mine! You can't have it!"

"Whoa! No need to be vicious!" I say backing up and putting my hands in the air.

"Can't believe you! Coming in here and wanting MY bacon! Disgraceful!" She replies shaking her head.

"Sorry! I'm just hungry!" She starts laughing. Huh?

"You are soooo gullible! I'm joking! Coming right up!" She walks away still laughing. What is it with girls and laughing?

Ellas POV


I get to my lunch destination and sit down. I take out my lunch. Peanut butter sandwich, again. Lovely, just lovely. 'At least it's food!' I reassure myself. I wolf it down in seconds.

Greenie girl day. I try and hurry to get back to the Glade. I like opening the box and getting the greenie girls out.


Almost there! I get a rush of adrenaline and speed up even faster.

"Hey! Why you back so early?" Luke asks questioningly.

"Greenie....girl....day....open....box" I say between breaths.

"You want to open the box? Sure." He walks off to Kathryn. 😏

The alarm goes off. Its rather annoying. Thirty minutes later it stops.

Everyone is crowded by the box. There's a loud thumping noise coming from inside.

"What the shuck?" Someone says.

"What could it be?"

"A monster ya slinthead!"

"Your the slinthead!"

"SLIM IT!" Luke shouts. "Ella, open the shucking box."

"Yes sir." I say with a salute. He, like always, rolls his eyes.

Thump thump

I cautiously open the box. I peer inside and..........



Anyone hate me yet? 👌🏾👍🏾💩😈😂😉😘😑😁😏👊🏾😎😇😬☺️

Sry if this chapter was too short.😁😁😶😶😳😳

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