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Luke's POV

It's been a month since Madalyn has gotten here. I hope today we get a greenie that can do something other than sit around eating all our food. 😤

After the shuckin' annoying greenie alarm finally stops I open the box. Thank God! A regular teenage boy. I help him out of the box.

"Sup, greenie. Welcome to the Glade." I look to Kathleen, who explains all of the messed up stuff about the maze, creators, etc.

"Hey! I'm-" She gets a good look at him and gasps. Her face goes bright red. I nudge her softly and whisper,

"He's a hottie, isn't he."

"Slim it!" She hisses back then continues her introduction. "I'm Kathleen and this is the Glade......"

She walks off with the greenie to give him the tour. Everyone goes back to their jobs except for Philly.

"Oh man! Did ya see how red her face was?! She looked like a tomato!" Philip exclaims.

"Yeah! I think their gonna get along quite well." I tell him with a smirk.

I find Ella and Mia. We decide to get a snack together and we start for Homestead. I open the door and walk in. I hear Mia yelp and I'm suddenly dowsed in freezing water.

"What the shuck? Who did this klunk?" Mia yells ferociously.

People begin laughing. Juliana and Kathryn come out from behind some boxes and laugh harder. I glare at them. Kathryn runs over to me and jumps on my back. She raps her legs around my waist and kisses my head.

"BLAH! You taste like a wet dog! When was the last time you showered?" She says, spitting water onto the floor.

"You know," Ella starts, mysteriously. "Luke and I could throw ya shanks into the Slammer for a day or two."

At this they are completely quiet. Juliana's smiles runs from her face.

"But being the nice third in command I am, I'll let this slide." She finishes. Then Ella looks at me. "What do you think Luke?"

I look up at Kathryn, who is still on my back.

"I won't send you to the Slammer, but you better watch your backs from now on." I smile slyly. Kathryn looks relieved. "LIKE RIGHT NOW!"

I run out of Homestead with Kathryn on my back. She squeals and pounds my back with her fists.

"LET ME DOWN! LET ME DOWN!" She sounds terrified. I know better than to listen to her, I know she is just trying to get down and when she does she will run away laughing. I'm not falling for this again.

"NEVER! YOUR MINE NOW!" I tell her. I laugh and laugh. Eventually, she laughs along with me.

I bring her to the girls house, which they named Inito for some strange reason, and I go right to her room. I put her down next to her bed and look her in the eyes.

"I never want to forget you again." She whispers and places her hands on my cheeks.

"And I never want to forget you." And I kiss her.

What a perfect ending to a boring day.

Ella's POV

I can't believe they did that. They drenched us in water, FOR FUN! I'm pretty ticked off about that. I tired not to show my annoyance. I think I did a pretty good job. They will never know what hit them.😈

"Hey, Ella?" Mia and Luke walk up to me.

"Hey Luke." He rolls his eyes.

"Ya wanna prank Julie and Katie with us?" Mia asks.

"Nah. You guys can go and be immature. The Glade need at least one mature leader." I raise an eyebrow at them.

"Hey! Are you implying that I'm not mature." a voice says from behind me.

Without turning around I know who it is.

"Philly, you far from mature." I answer him. He snorts and grabs my waist. He turns me so I'm facing him. This catches me off guard and I stumble towards him. He catches me.

"Now now, Ella. We're still in public. No need to get handsy." He gives me his signature cocky smile that I've learned to love. "How's this for mature?"

He leans in and kisses me. I hear Mia and Luke making gaging sounds behind us. We pull away and glare at them.

"Oh slim it! It's not like you guys haven't ever kissed someone before!" Philly snapped at them.

"Whoa there, cowboy. No harm was intended." Luke says, putting his hands in the air as if to say he surrenders.

"Well mind your mouth next time." This time it's my turn to snap at him.

"Hey you two! I'm still first in command!" He glares at us.

"You cankerblossom." I mumble.

"What was that!" He ask furiously.

"I thought you had a prank to do." I tell him. He just grunts and walks away with Mia toward Inito. I wonder what they are up to.

"Wanna watch them?" Philip asks, grabing my hand and leading me to Inito before I can answer.

A FEW HOURS LATER (after everyone has gone to sleep)

"Whoa! You guys totally parent trapped this place!" I say awestruck. Julianna's and Katie's whole room is booby-trapped.

"Parent trap? What's that?" Mia asks me. I frown. I don't even know the meaning of what I just said! Stupid Creators, taking our childhood memories.

"I don't know. Just a word that came to mind." I shrug.

"Come on. Let get out of here."

We exit their room. We say our goodnights and head off to bed. Tomorrow morning should be great! 😈

The pic at the beginning should help cure ur boredom. 🍆🍈🍍🍅

Hope to hear from ya soon!
Ta ya for now!

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