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Ella's POV

Both Mia and my brother are bloody idiots. I've talked to them (separately) and they have admitted that they like each other.

"Have you seen Gracie? Sebastian got hurt.....AGAIN." I ask Luke.

"She went into Homestead about five minutes ago."

"Thanks Lukey!" I run off to Homestead and make my way up to the 'hospital' room. It's where all the sick and injured people go.

I open the door. Gracie is there all right. So is Sammy.😏 💋

"S'cuse me! Make out session is over! Wounded glader alert." I announce.

They jump away from each other. Both are bright red.😳

"Ummmm.....H-hey Ella!" Sammy stammers.

"Wounded glader? Where?" Gracie asks like nothing happened.

"Sebastian. You need to hurry." I sprint back to the place Sebastian lay. He had fallen asleep on an ant hill, again. But this time it was worse. Ants were crawling all over him. In his ears, mouth, and even in his eyes. I think he might be dead.

I am about to kneel next to him when I see wasps starting to swarm around him.

"MED-JACKS!!! NOWWW!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

I get to his side and see he has multiple wasp, no HORNET, stings everywhere. He looks gross. I nudge him with my foot. No movement. Yep, he's defiantly dead.

"Ella! What's wrong?!" Mia shouts.

She runs up to me and looks at Sebastian. She goes pale.

"BEES! AHHHHH! GET THEM AWAY FROM MEEEEE!" She screams and runs off. 'And I thought she was a toughy!' I chuckle to myself.

Philip walks up to me. He glances at Sebastian and shakes his head.

"I always new he was an idiot. But how do ya fall asleep on an ant hill?!" He mumbles.

"Just a complete bloody shucking moron." I tell 'em. I am kinda sad that he died. Even though he was annoying, he was funny and always mad people laugh. No one deserves to die.

"I'll go get the Baggers." With that Philly walks off. Shuck it! I wanted to spent some time with him! I'll just have to find him after all this is settled out.

After dinner we had a bon-fire in Sebastian's honor. His friends said a few words. All the Keepers said something and we began to party. Let me just tell you, a Glade party is........interesting. This guy named Fredrick asked the Creators for a bit of alcohol in the fourth month of being here and they gave it to him. He made this weird concoction of alcohol and other stuff. It tastes horrible, if ya ask me.Everyone except us girls and Jonah drink, and get drunk. It's a sight to see.😱😂


I was talking to Philip about, well, everything and nothing. Ya get me? Mia comes over and stands next to me.

"Sup?" She says, not really expecting and answer.

"Everything." I reply sassily. Philip just smiles.

"Ella." She hisses in my ear. "We need to talk."

"In a minute." I don't even try to whisper.

"What?" Philip looks really confused.

"Oh nothing, love." I smile sweetly.

"Ella! NOW!" Mia whisper screams in my ear.

"Hey Philip? It's been nice talking but I gotta go.......tend to some unfinished business."

"Ok. Sure. See ya 'round." He quickly pecks me on the cheek before I walk away with Mia to the woods.

Mia and I go and find a spare log and sit down. Mia looks uncomfortable, which is odd because she never is uncomfortable with me. "Ummmmm, so, you know how I, um, sorta like your brother and everything."

"SORTA! SORTA!" I jump up and shout.

"ELLA!!! SHHHHHHHH!!!!" She screams. Then I smirk and raise and eyebrow, and she sighs and continues. "Welllll, maybe a little more than 'sorta' " and she blushes.

"I. KNEW. IT." I declare, dancing around before sitting back down. "You don't make a move, love. Let him."

"I knowwww! But it's taking too long!" She tells me, choking back a small sob. She whispers, "I really like him."

"I kno-" Jonah walks up. "Why! Hello little brother!

Jonahs POV

"Why! Hello little brother!" Ella says when I walk up to them.

"Hi? Why were ya screaming?" I ask suspiciously.

Mia's face goes red.

"Ummmmm. Nothing......"

"Well-" I begin.

"I think I hear Philip calling. COMING PHILLY!" Ella interrupts. She winks at Mia and runs off.

I turn and look at Mia. Gosh, she sure is pretty. It's now or never I suppose.

"Listen Mia." I clear my throat and continue. "I don't know what's happening between us. Everything has just gotten so......awkward." I run my hand through my hair.

"Well maybe the reason everything is awkward is because the slinthead I like likes another girl and I don't know why I like 'em and it makes me feel awful when we talk because our relationship has changed since I've come here. We've grown apart but grown closer in a weird way and we are using Ella to tell her things when we used to be able to tell each other everything but now instead of facing you to tell you that I shucking like your shucking handsome face, I have to go tell your shuckin' sister!" She rambles on, very frustrated and confused.

She likes me! She doesn't hate me! YES! Instead of jumping around and man-squealing, like I'm tempted to do, I can only smile. I try to send all of my feelings for her in that smile, but as usual I fail epically. I see her look of nervousness and relief turn into a look of hurt and anger. Why is she angry with me? Am I taking to long to respond? Now her eyes start to fill up with tears. Oh shit! The last thing I want is for her to cry. I reach out and try to hold her hand, but she pushes me away and runs.

"No! Mia! Wait!" I yell. This just makes her run faster.

I take off after her, running faster than I ever have before. She begins turning right, right, left, right left. Oh no! Not this time! I'm not gonna loose her like I did that first day she got here. I get a burst of adrenaline and speed up. Now is the moment I can reach her. I grab her waist, engulfing her in a full-on hug. She's quietly sobbing into my chest.

"Shhh. Don't cry, love." I whisper softly.

"I'm so sorry." She mumbles, still crying and nuzzled in my shirt.

"What?!" I say, utterly shocked. "Why are you sorry? I'm the one who should be sorry, for letting you pour your heart out to me. I was too excited when I found out you liked me, I didn't know how to tell ya that I like you back. But more than like, a million times mor-" She cuts me off with a kiss. It catches me by surprise but, man, it is perfect. She is perfect.


I know it's not the weekend but I couldn't help myself! I had to do it 4 curlcrazed
Thank you so much for the ideas curlcrazed !!!! Please comment on how ya think it is!

Everyone reading this. Unless ya start commenting, I will not update. I need @ least 5 comments from people other than 13sportygirl mmserunner5k curlcrazed sallymayjenson

Thank you, for this might b the last chapter unless I get comments.

Stay lukewarm noses!

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