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Ella's POV

I've decided that since the doors haven't opened for a month and we haven't gotten new greenies that the Creators don't want us to leave. So, in the case I have come up with a game for me and the girls. The game is that we go around the Glade and write don't everyone's hair and eye colour. Then see which combination wins. It's stupid but it gives us something to do.

"Let's start by writing down our own hair and eye colour." I tell my friends. I jot downy my name and that I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. "You two get the West side. You three get the East side. You three get the South side. Kathryn, Juliana, and Mia came with me to the North side. Everyone meet back here in three hours. Remember to get EVERYBODY. Disperse."

"I know why you chose the North side! And why we are coming with you!" Kathryn giggles. "Our boyfriends are on that side!"

"You're right about that Kathryn." I reply with a grin.

We walk up to a few gladers and write down our findings. Then we wander over to Luke, Jonah, Eric, Matt, and Philip.

"Boys! Look over here!" I order them. Even thought they are startled they do as I ask. I write down their names and get to work.

"First up: Luke. Hmmm Black hair. Let us see your eyes. Oh! Dark brown eyes. Next: Jonah. Dirty blonde hair and.....eh.....hazel-green eyes. Thirdly: Eric. Dark brown hair. Eric! Open your eyes! Ahh blue-gray eyes. Fourthly: Matt. Dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Now the last: Philip. Dark brown hair and gorgeous light brown eyes." I finish with a smirk.

"What was that all about?" Questioned Eric.

"Oh nothing that concerns you!" Kathryn answers and we run away completing the rest of our 'game'. We meet up to the other girls after three hours and find that the most common combination is brown hair and brown eyes.

And that concludes another boring day at the Glade.

Jonahs POV

Things between Mia an I are complicated. We end up kissing alot(which, believe me, I'm not complaining about) but we don't show any interest in each other when we are in public. Both the guys and Ella have been bugging me nonstop to tell them what happened, and I think I'm about to break. Right now I'm currently walking towards the woods (sneakily) as Mia directed me to. I'm basically chasing after her in the woods until she disappears.

"Mia?" I call out. "MIA?"

Right as I am about to freak, a figure jumps on my back, puts their hands over my eyes, and whispers 'guess who?' I smile and take her hands off my eyes and run towards.... the lake! It was finished a few days ago.😈

"MWAHAHAHA!" I yell.

Mia says in a warning tone, "Jonahhhh..... what are you doing?" Then, realizing what I'm doing, screams,

"NO! PUT ME DOWN SLINTHEAD! Shuck no! no no no no NO! You wouldn't dare. YOU. WOULDN'T. DARE. Jonah, you shuck face!" I laugh at her mini temper tantrum.

She continues screaming and kicking the air, and sometimes me. Remember Mia wears combat boots 24/7, so it REALLY hurts. and she's wicked strong. but I'm not letting her go! The lake is now in view and I run to the edge of it anndddd...... drop her in! HAHA!! She rises pouting with her arms crossed. She's too cute. But she would kill me if I said that. I can't stop laughing as she spits out some water. I halfway notice her sly smirk because my eyes are filled with tears (from laughing so hard). Why would she be smirking? I realize what she's doing half a second too late as she grabs my ankle and hauls me in.

"Bloody hell!" Is all I can scream before I go under.

When I come back up for air I, naturally, start splashing her and it, naturally, turns into a full-on water war. At one point Mia trips and ends up sitting on top of me. My arms are holding us up and she's sitting on my lap, facing me. I can't help but notice how perfect she looks with her hair wet and eyes dancing. We get lost in the moment and I feel my head leaning towards hers.


I open my eyes and Mia opens hers. Turns out we were about a centimeter away from each other. looks like we were going to kiss. I turn my head to yell at whoever was there and ask them if they ever heard of a thing called privacy; but there was the one person I couldn't yell at. Yep, you guessed it, there was my dearest little sister, wearing such an angry expression I had the temptation to sink back down into the water. And looking back at Mia's horrified expression, I think she wanted too also.

Ella's POV

I was on my way to the lake to relax because I was having a really stressful day. I started to wonder where Jonah and Mia were. In the beginning I was all for team Monah, but now I'm just so over them and their awkwardness. They had these weird PDA moments (when they thought they were alone) then they acted like nothing happened and stayed away from each other. They really liked each other. Like, really, REALLY liked each other. I knew it, they knew it, so why was it so bloody complicated? It gets me frustrated. But I was also worried about them. They were so desperate for each other that they zoned out of the world and got 'lost in each others eyes.' Blah. I hope Philly and I are never like that. But still, I was worried. I just hope they have enough self-control to not do anything stupid.

As I appear at the lake, I'm the only one there, but after about 5 minutes of precious me time, I hear someone screaming. I immediately panic because it sounds just like Mia. Then I see her on Jonah's back on the other side of the lake. He plops her in and she tugs him by the ankle.

"Bloody hell!" Jonah screams.

I feel like I'm invading their privacy, but I think I have a right to be hear, considering I am best friend and sister. Right? Either way, I'm not moving. They start a water war, an I admit, it's pretty cute. Mia trips like the klutz she is and falls on top of Jonah. I stand up to make sure neither of them are hurt. But NOOOOO, their too busy getting 'lost in each others eyes' to be hurt. Blah. Now they lean in for a kiss. Now I'm furious. This is what I meant when I said no self-control! Before I can think better, I'm yelling at them. whoops? But I am really mad. They both look at me with identical horrified expressions. Yeah, they should be horrified. With my overprotective ness of the 2 individually and my stressyness are clashing, Im a monster right now, and they know it.

"MIA! GO TO INIO! NOW!" I growl. She runs off without a word.

"Jonah! To the Slammer for the rest of the day!" And he goes off without a word as well. But don't worry. I've got something in store for them to teach them self-control since they aren't dating yet, and that if they wanna date each other they just should!



Hope u like the chapter.

Ta ta for now!👋🏾

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