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Luke's POV

We corner Gracie in the weapons room. For some reason Kathryn doesn't have her crowbar with her, so I toss her one from the pile in one of the crates.

"But down the berries and no one gets hurt." Kathryn hisses at Grace.

I advance with a hammer and glare at Grace. Why is she smiling?

"Oh Kathryn! Your so naive! These strawberries are MINE!" Oh! Grace thinks we are joking! She thinks we won't do anything to get our berries back!

Kathryn makes a move and Grace realizes that we are completely 100% serious. There's a sudden knock on the window. Grace opens the window, throws the buckets out, and climbs out of the weapons room.

Katie and I run to the the window and see Sammy and Gracie running to Deadheads. I can't believe I'm going there for the THIRD time in twenty minutes!

As we advance Kathryn breaks the silence.

"They're close! Can you smell the strawberries?"

"Wait! Kathryn! Did you just say it smells like strawberries? Do you think this means that they are," I whisper this last part, for effect, "strawberry worriars?"

She smiled creepily. Yep. She's the best.

"They could be anywhere....." She said slowly, looking skeptically at the trees. "Yo tree! You hidin' any strawberry worriars from meh?!"

I laugh. She's about to to attack the innocent tree when I stop her. I think I found the thieves.

"Behind that tree." I mouth and she nods. I hold up three fingers and count down. 1....2....3! We jump behind the tree and Sammy is there. Holding our strawberries. a twig snaps behind us. when we turn we see Graces figure running away from the so called 'innocent' tree. She's getting father and farther away. I turn back to Sammy and I give him my best death glare. He gulps. Good! He should be scared! Taking our berries like they were up for grabs. No! I will not stand for this!

"You! In the Slammer for two days! One day per bucket of strawberries!" I growl.

"B-but-" he starts.

"No buts!" Kathryn gives him the best 'you better listen to me punk' stare I've ever seen. "And no coconuts either! Another day for saying the b word"

"I didn't even-fine." He eventually mumbles, hanging his head in defeat.

"Go eat dinner. Then I better find you in the Slammer." He nods and walks off. I look at Kathryn.

"The b word? What does that even mean?" I ask. Maybe she had a memory. She shrugs.

"All I know is that there is a worse word that starts with a b. Sadly, I don't know what that word is. Though, I think if we all started yapping our heads off with bad words, there would be more fights that would be more intense. So all in all, not knowing the real bad words is good. I like Glader slang anyway."

"Whoa." I look at her in awe. "Thats the most logical thing you've ever said! I'm glad I was here to witness in."

"Thank you! Thank you very much!" She takes an bow and we head back to the center of the Glade. Well, after kissing a couple times. Hey! You can't blame me! She's the beautiful one!

Ella's POV

The new greenies name is Peter. Which really stinks cuz now Philip isn't the only one whose name starts with a P.

I'm sitting in my tree. I'm carving our names under the heart so no one thinks that I like Peter. He's Kathleen's....even if he doesn't know it yet. Haha! I kid! I kid! It's just that they look like the perfect couple.

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