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Jonahs POV

The greenie was walking over with her food, today is taco day, with Philip when she looks at me and gasps. She almost drops her food but manages to keep hold of it. She turns on her heels and walks the other way sitting at an empty table.
Philip gives me a confused look. "What was that all about?" He asks, sitting next to me.
"No clue." I say still staring at the girl. She looks so bloody familiar.....
"Hey! Snap out of it! Staring isn't nice!" Philip whisper yells at me. "Whats wrong, shuck face?"
I turn and look at him then whisper "She looks familiar. Like I know her from some where......."

Gabriellas POV

I was walking over to a table with Philip when I see him. The guy from my dream......my.....brother.....i gasp and turn away quickly receiving a ton of weird looks from the other boys.

I sit at a empty table and start playing with my food. Is he really my brother? Do I look like him? Does he remember me? I was so caught up in my thoughts that's didn't see both Philip and Jonah approaching. Wait! How do I know his name?! He MUST be my brother if I know his name, right?

They had already sat down before I could leave. Getting up now would be extremely rude, so I stayed where I was.
"Hey greenie, this is Jonah. Jonah this is-"
"Ella....." Jonah interrupted Philip, but it was ever so quiet I barley heard him.
"What was that, shank?" Philip asked surprised. "How do ya know her name? Is that your name green bean?"

I nod, very slowly.
"It was a bloody guess that's all...." Jonah has a nice accent.
Philip looks shocked.

"What's wrong?" Luke said sitting next to Philip.
"Jonah just gu-" I kicked Philip in the shin to shut him up. He yelped in surprise and looked over at me. I glared at him hoping he got the message. It was bad enough two of 'em knew my name, I didn't want anyone else to know it.
"Jonah just what?" Luke frowned at Philip.
"I just umm, ate my taco in one bite?" Jonah tried. Luke seemed to buy it and he laughed and walked away.

When he was gone Philip looked at me questioningly "Did that have to do which the reason why you were screaming in the woods today?"
"Huh?" Is all I said.
Philip rolled his eyes. "When I was trying to wake you up today you sat up and screamed 'No you can't take us! We're just kids!' Then you laid back down."

Shoot! I said that out loud?! I thought I sleeping! Darn it! Now I'll have to talk to get out of this one!
"Where can I sleep?" Is how I answered. Philip and Jonah look startled but Jonah just gets up tells me to follow him.

Ok, anyone have any ideas or comments? Is anyone confused?

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