Craig X Reader

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I will never flip you off

"Nice to see you. Tucker the Fucker, am I right?" I smile at Craig and scan his items. It is my job after all since I'm a grocery clerk or whatever it's called. He gives a shrug and loads items upon onto the conveyor-belt.

"I guess, if that's what people are calling me." He murmurs, not really wanting to talk to me. He was buying chips, sodas, and other junk food. It all looked really good and it had my favorite items.

"You having a party? Or even a date?" I laugh, winking at him.

"A date, yeah." I lean myself so much forward I'm inches away from his face.

"And who would she be? Oh and you're total is $23.49." Craig hands me some money and I give the correct amount of change back.

"Actually, it's you."

"That's sweet- WAIT WHAT?" He gives a smirk before grabbing my hand and running out of the store. "I have work you know!" He opens his car door without a word but I get in anyway. He climbs into the drivers seat and starts up the car. I pout and let out a sigh. "I swear if I get fired, I will beat the living shit out of you."

"I'll just flip your boss off." I give a giggle and he smiles. Within minutes we reach Craig's house. "Don't worry. My parents are on a business trip and my sister is at a sleep over or whatever."

I plop on his couch and roll around. "Cool." I stretch as Craig walks over to me. He sits on my legs and grins. "Get off." He puts his hands on either side of my head. His face was inches away from mine yet again.

"Or what, (y/n)?" He smirked. I give one back and yell.

"THIS!" I flip us over so that I'm on top but the thing was we ended up on the floor. Craig's face goes extremely red and quiet. We stare at each other before we begin laughing hysterically.

"Oh my god, what is wrong with YOU?" He exclaims, clutching his stomach. He was giggling like an idiot, a cute idiot any who. I cut him off but smashing my lips to his. It was funny because I've never talked to him before today and I was already in love with him. He lets out a squeak but doesn't hesitate to kiss back. He breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes.

"I want to tell you something important." It's gonna be something sweet isn't it? "...I just want you to know that I will never flip you off."

"CRAIG TUCKER!" I smacked him on the head.


Sorry this one was super short but I'm not really in the mood for writing so....and I'm not very good at writing Craig...

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