Stan X Reader

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Request: Can you please write a Stan X Reader and make the reader have feelings for Stan but he doesn't like them back? Btw I love your stories!
My response: Ok

(Y/N) sighed dreamily, leaning her chin on her hand and stared at the boy. The boy bit his lip, scribbling words onto his test. She had finished before everyone else and was bored. She had left her book at home so she was forced to sit there. That's when she found him. Stan Marsh, the captain of the football team. Stan was too busy whispering curse words under his breath to notice her. The kid next to him, Kyle, nudged him and he looked up. Kyle whispered and made a gesture with his eyes. Stan looked over and smiled. She smiled back but then realized he wasn't looking at her. He was looking at something behind her. She slowly turned her head around. Wendy. She twirled her hair around her pointer finger, giggling slightly and batting her eyes. (Y/N) scoffed and glared at her Wendy. Wendy glared back and gave her the finger. She rolled her eyes and sat facing front, tapping her foot against the white marble floor.

"Alright, see you tomorrow." Mr. Garrison announced and stood from his desk.

"Stan, you're gonna be at the big game right?" (Y/N) heard a familiar voice beg.

"Hah, of course, (best friends name)! I am the captain after all." He flexed his arm. (B/F/N) giggled along with Wendy. (Y/N) felt knots grow in her stomach. Her best friend...flirting with him, with Wendy.

"Hey, Staaaaan. That weirdo is staring at you." Wendy whispered, crossing her arms. Stan raised a brow and turned towards her. Stan glared at her unemotional. He turned back around.

"It's whatever.

"She's so creepy!" (B/F/N) whined, shifting her weight. That's when (Y/n) couldn't take any longer. She dropped her school books, cried and ran from the room. The girls giggled loudly and Stan left the room for the football field. (Y/N) found herself at the football field. She wiped her eyes and sat on the bleachers. The team was there, throwing passed around. Stan walked out onto the field and eyed the other team. The people next to her laughed at her quietly and waited for the game to start.

*after the game*

Stan raised the trophy in the air, his team cheering besides him. The crowd burst into cheers, standing and pumping their fists in the air. The captain made a signal for everybody to calm down.

"I think now would be a good time to make an announcement, right?" Stan laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. The crowd yelled but quieted down. "Well, I have a crush on a person in the bleachers right now." People gasped and looked around. "Hah, settle down. It's not who you think it would be. This person, they...they're so amazing and cute and I just want to hug them all the time. Kyle, could you come down here?" 3 people screamed. (Y/N), (B/F/N) and Wendy. People screamed in happiness, fangirling. Kyle blushed and pulled his hat down, and walked to the center of the field. Stan threw the trophy to a team mate and pulled a football from his other arm. He knelt down onto one knee and extended.

"Kyle Broflovski, do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Listen, Stan...I don't like football. But I like you." He took the football and tossed it away. Stan stood up, bringing Kyle close. Kyle kissed Stan, his arms around each other. (Y/M) felt her vision get blurry, she swayed from side to side until it went black. She woke up in a dark alley, she tried to get up but was pushed down.

"You're the reason! You're the reason my man is gay! Your face showed him how ugly we girls are so he turned to guys!" Wendy screamed.

"God dammit, stay out of our lives!" Another girl shrieked.

"Wh-Wendy?" She blinked and tried to search for a face.

"Oh...(y/n)! You forgot your best friend! It's me, (B/F/N)." (Y/N) screamed, jolting up. She looked around, panting heavily. Sweat ran down her face as she gripped her bed sheets. Just a dream...


Guys, I'm so sorry! Everything is so short and it takes so long to get up! My life is just falling apart! I'm so sorry. I have 4 requests to get up. Well, 3 cause 1 is private but I haven't forgotten! I'm so sorry :(

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