Cartman x dog!hybrid!reader

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Request: Cartman x dog hybrid reader where the reader travels the world with her parents, ends up in South Park, bumps into the four boys and is instantly like by Cartman because of being badass  ninja
My response: y not

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)...but we don't really have a choice."

"But we do!"

"No. There isn't any other option. Maybe if you wouldn't go out and get yourself exposed-"

"Maybe if you didn't give birth to such disgraces of children?" (Y/N) hissed talking about herself. She gave a sad smile and let her (F/C) hair down which revealed her (F/C) ears. They were pointed dog ears. Her (F/C) tail twitched.

"You know you don't mean that."

"Maybe I do." She said and snarled.

"(Y/N), no!" Her father cried, reaching a hand out but it was too late. (Y/N)'s body shrunk down onto all fours. Her fur on her neck raised and she snarled. She raised her lip in a growl and stepped a couple steps forward. She bent her knees and got in a pouncing position. Her paws left the ground and she cut through the air.

"NO!" A younger girl screamed and launched in front of her. The girl transformed to wolf during mid jump. (Y/N)'s body collided with the girls, her body tumbling over hers.

'Mazie! What the hell are you doing?'

'A-Ah, I'm sorry!'

'Why'd you stop me?!'

'That's our parents, you can't kill them.'

(Y/N) barked at her sister as she hung her head. Mazie scrambled off down into her room.

"You too, (Y/N). Room." Her mom spoke loudly with shakiness in her voice.  (Y/N) turned around and flicked her tail.

'Ruff, eh?'

'Collin, stop with the dog puns.'

'Aw. Be pawsitive.'

'Collin Michael Frunt.'

'Sorry (nickname). But I heard the fight. You moving again?'

'Dunno. Talk in morning.'

'Goodnight. Love you.'


*a month later* Cartman  POV

"The fuck is that?"

"Heh heh." Kenny laughed next to me. "Your mom." I punched him and then pointed.

"No man, come on. You gotta see that." I murmured.

"Yeah, you're right. I think I see something. Wait, it's just your fatass." Kyle snickered and adjusted his hat.

"Screw you guys. I'm going home." I headed in the direction I was supposed to, but I knew I  wasn't completely alone. Something was following behind me. I felt the wind change behind me. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. There stood a girl. But no, she didn't stand. Cause she was gone just as quick as she was there. I shook my head and continued walking. I jammed my hands in my pockets. There she was again. Right in front of me. She smiled. I huffed.

"Sorry if I seem a bit odd," Her voice flowed smoothly. "I'm new to South Park."

"Oh, really?" I said sarcastically and smiled. She crossed her arms and glared at me. Note taken, she does not appreciate sarcasm. "Don't be such a baby, newbie." I pushed past her, my shoulder slamming against hers. I continued walking but I turned around and saw her still standing there, facing the same direction but I'm pretty sure she was smiling. I stared at her as long as she stood there, which wasn't long. I felt the air grow tense, my fists clenched as if I knew something bad was gonna happen. I watched with fear in my eyes as the stranger shrunk down. (F/C) hair replaced with same color fur. I gasped quietly but it seemed to hear. It turned its head towards me. It's yellow eyes locked with mine. I coulda sworn it winked at me. And then, it was gone. My body shook as I practically ran home.

(Ur POV)
'God dammit, Collin.'

'I'm sorry.' Collin

'N-No, it wasn't you. Someone saw me.'

'Again? (Full name), you need to stop right now.' Collin

'I know that!'

'No, you fucking don't. I can't just keep packing up just cause you do. I can't keep breaking up the pack for you. I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. The groups gonna talk, okay?' Collin

'Collin, come on.'

'I agree with him.' Mazie

'M-Mazie? I didn't know the decision was now! Mazie scram! You're too young.'

'No, she stays. And so is everyone else. They're all here for this discussion. We are a pack, we were a pack.' Collin

'I know you're my alpha and all but Col' ain't wrong.' Luz

'Shut up.'

'(YOUR NAME)! Do you have no respect for us?' Collin

'You know I do.'

'I thought I did.' Collin

'Hmph.' Luz

'Don't ya want ta even hear her story?' Dave

'Thanks, Dave.'


'I was in South Park. I was alone but these boys turned down the alley. There was 4 of them. The cute one-'

'Excuse me? I'm your fucking mate.' Collin

'I meant, er, chubby. He noticed me but his friends didn't notice. I was following him, not on purpose of course and I introduced myself. And then I walked away. And he watched me. He saw me turn.'

'Wow.' Mazie


'Ain't too bad.' Luz

'Speak fa yaself. Anotha person who knows.' Dave

'Too much drama. I'm out. I'm leaving. I should of never joined.' Lilly

'Lilly. Please, no!' Luz

'I love you.' Lilly

'Then stay.' Luz

'I'm leaving.' Lilly

'I'm coming.' Luz

And like that, two voices left the chat.

'Nice going, you stupid fuck.' Faith

'Go. Fucking leave!'

'You're chasing them out.' Collin

'If they left, they were never loyal.'

'Bye.' Faith

Mazie began whimpering.

'Aw. Maz, don't worry bout it. They just left the conversation.'

'I'm not stupid! They left the pack! Forever! (Y/n), this is all your fault! You and that stupid boy!' Mazie growled and left the conversation.

'Dang.' Dave

'Well, well. Bye.'

I didn't leave the conversation. I left the pack. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I wasn't particularly sad, mad. Mad at myself. But more mad at him. I climbed out the window and landed perfectly. I found myself running and pushed myself until I could run no farther. The park is where I ended up. The sunset  was warm with a gentle breeze blowing through the leaves as if it was 'booing' me. I grumbled and collapsed into a heap on the ground. I laid on my back and looked at the stars. I heard faint chatter and giggles. I closed my eyes and blocked out all sounds. The sky seemed to grow dark. The brightness in front of my eye lids shifted into a dark blanket. I opened my eyes and a man came into my vision. I sighed and closed my eyes again.

"That's not nice. Pay attention to me." My eyes remained shut. The person nudged me with their foot. "Fucking bitch." I jumped up. I stared at them. He smirked. Memories flooded through my mind. It was him. The boy from the other night.

"You are a god damn piece of shit. You are ruining my life."

"You love it."

"I don't know you."

"Does Colin ring a bell?"

"'re Colin?" It seems silly, yes. I've never met my mate, it was a custom thing to wait for five years.

"Call me Cartman."

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