Kenny X Badass!Perverted!Reader

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Request: Kenny X Badass!Perverted!Reader
My response: hell yep

"Is she smoking?" Stan whispered, under his breath and removed his books from his locker.

"Yeah, smoking hot." Kenny snickered and shut his own locker.

"No, seriously. Look at her." Kyle said and looked over along with everyone else. There she was. Just leaning against her locker, with no doubt a cigarette in her hand. She raised her head and blew a puff of smoke into the air. Once the smoke cleared, she noticed Kenny who was staring at her. She gave a wink and smirked slyly. She put her cigarette on the ground and stomped on it. She walked her way down to class, her  hair dyed (f/c) and thrown over her shoulders. Kenny leaned his head back against the locker.

"Fuck.." He murmured and practically ran down the hallway after her. Cartman snorted and walked by himself to his class at the opposite end of the hallway. Stan and Kyle went to Kenny's class, exchanging giggles. Kenny shoved himself into the seat next to her and she raised a brow at him. He smiled and she rolled her eyes. She turned away from him, and faced the front.

"What's your name?" He asked and she shook her head. She turned around.

"(Y/N) but you can call me babe." (Y/N) winked again and laughed.

"Seriously?" Kenny asked, bouncing from excitement.

"Sure, kid." Kenny growled annoyedly. The class was boring; it was math. It literally made no sense what so ever and (Y/N) wasn't even taking notes.

"Why don't you take notes?"

"I have my ways. Why don't you stop asking questions?" She said, rolling her eyes. Kenny murmured a couple of curse words under his breath.

Kenny tried to pay attention but he couldn't help it when his blue eyes wondered to her. And it wasn't just him looking at her; she was staring right back at him. A smirk curled at her lips as she noticed his blush.

"Aw, looks like I got the player to blush." She whispered, and he stuck up the middle finger. "I bet you would love to fuck me."

"Just shut up."

"You aren't denying it. I wouldn't mind banging you either, Ken. How bout Friday?"

"At least let me take you to dinner first." Her smirk faded and seemed to transfer to Kenny's mouth. She shook her head and put her pencil down in defeat.

"Now, that was pretty smooth."

"Kenny! (Your name)!" The teacher shrieked. "I have been trying my best to drown out your talking but this is too much. Go to ISS. (In school suspension.)" (Y/N) huffed, grabbing her binders and headed out the door along with Kenny. Kenny mumbled along next to her, looking at the ground.

"Hey," she whispered, nudging him with her elbow. "She never said which ISS room. We can go to Mrs. Brewer's room." Kenny looked up and smiled.
She stopped suddenly and opened a locker.

"That's yours?"

"No." (Y/N) laughed, putting her binders in.

"Then- that's my locker!"



"How'd I get the password? Seriously? '(y/n)'."


*mrs brewer*

"Ah, nice to see you again (Nickname) and- Kenneth is it?" The teacher raised a brow, tilting her head. "Never seen you here."

"Nonsense, I am a badass." Kenny said, crossing his arms. "Ive been here billions of times." Mrs. Brewer's eyes flickered towards him, then to her.

"Oh, sorry bout that, er...K-money. It seems I got you confused with Kenneth Gurno." She winked at Kenny. "I guess I have had too much Monster."

(Y/N) smiled and took a seat. She placed her feet on the desk as Kenny slid into the seat next to her. "You've got brilliant eyes. (Green) [Brown] {Blue} <Hazel>... (like a meadow) [like the smooth wood of a tree] {like the crashing waves on a shore}  <I find myself getting lost in them.> [(sorry if I forgot eye color)]" Kenny said, smiling.

*home, your house*

Kenny sat on (y/n)'s bed, his legs crossed and his eyes closed. The door creaked open and she walked in, shutting it behind her. His eyes opened and scanned her face. She laid down as he did. She mumbled a bit and rolled into him. He smiled and put his arm around her. She mumbled more and he sighed lovingly.

"I love you too."

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