My Crybaby

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This one sucks, I wrote it in like 20 minutes so yeah....
My Crybaby

"You're such a fucking wimp, Donovan. Come on, get up here and fight." I spat down at him, where he lay on the ground with his nose severely bleeding. He's sobbing and he tries to crawl backwards. Craig grabs him by the back of his shirt and pulls him and shoves him forward.

"Fight." Craig hisses, his arms crossed. Clyde cries and gives me a weak push. It's so weak, I don't even move. "What was that?" Craig laughs, unable to keep his cool.

"I think he's had enough, come on Craig." And with that, I spin away with Craig following behind me. On the walk home, Craig stops and grabs my arm. "Hm?"

"Why are we picking on Clyde? We were friends with him."

"We were friends, Craig but have you realized how weak he is?" I give a snort and Craig shrugs it off.

"You're a fucking loser, you know that? You can't even take a girl down, let alone get one to date you." Clyde hung his head low and averted his eyes. "Look at me." Clyde slowly looked up, his eyes meeting mine. I punch him in the face and he clatters to the ground. "You didn't have to make it creepy, you freak." Clyde lays on the ground, not moving. I let out a little gasp, and drop to my knees in front of him. "Cl...Clyde?" He begins coughing, blood shooting out of his mouth. "Fuck...god dammit!" I growl and make a motion for Craig to call 911. Craig's done talking and we take off running. I sprint as fast as my legs will carry me until I reach my neighborhood. I don't know if Craig's behind me or not but I don't care, I'm not getting in trouble.

•flashback motherfucker (3rd person)•
7 year old (name) danced around in the flowers in the meadow just outside our neighborhood. She was smiling and laughing but she tumbled backwards. She landed hard on her back and her smile was replaced with a frown. A boy with messy brown hair looked down at her and smiled. She grew angry and yelled at him.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you staring?!" She hissed as she stood up and looked him dead in the eyes. (Name) looked scary even dangerous. He was a little frightened but he blushed and turned away.

"I can't help it. You're so pretty." Her expression lightened as she heard these words but it was replaced with anger. (Name) pushed him so hard that he tumbled over.

"You're weird and I'm not pretty! Cut it out, you freak!" (Name) yelled as she drew the attention of others who were staring at the little children.

"I have a name, ya know."


"Call me Clyde. What's your name?" He smiled politely but she stared at him. (Name's) babysitter called out to her, it was time to go home. She stomped away but she paused and turned around.

"I'm (name)." With that said, she gave the biggest smile and ran away to her babysitter.
^clyde pov^
I remembered that memory as I was placed into the ambulance. She was always aggressive but she just snapped lately. Her parents weren't helpfully either. One was an alcoholic and the other was abusive. She always liked to tease me but it got out of hand. Now, we are not friends. Shortly, we arrive at the hospital because people are rushing me into my room. As soon as I arrive, I'm asleep.

*weeks later*

Knock knock. I run to the door and I'm surprised to see my bully standing there. She's mumbling things but I can't understand them. (Name) looks directly into my eye and whispers something.

"You. Me. Bedroom. Now. I'll explain later, just forgive me." I sigh with relief and I hug her. She tenses up and starts crying. "I'm so sorry. I really liked you all along and I just didn't know what to do. I'm sorry!"

"It's okay. I know what you're going through."

"It's not okay-" I leaned in and kissed her. She didn't hesitate to kiss back but she separated from me. "Now, you're my crybaby."

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