Kyle X Badass!Reader 2

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Request: More~
My Response: this is the last chapter of this okay, no more of this prompt!
Heavens Badass

I moved around sleepily in Kyle's arms as he nudged me gently. "Wake up, (y/n)..we have to go to school." I gave a light groan and snuggles closer to him. He gave a giggle (yes, Kyle Broflovski giggles). I breathe in his scent and mumble quietly into his chest. "What was that?"

"I love you."

"Honestly, babe, you have become a big softie." At these words, I break free from his arms. His warm, protective arms. No! Stop thinking about his arms.

"I'm not soft!" I pout and sit up. Kyle smiles and gets out of bed. He grabs my hand and pulls me up. He tells me to get changed as he does the same.

"Alright, let's go to the bus stop."


"Oh come on. Being soft isn't so bad!"

"I'm not soft! Fuck you!" I hiss and storm ahead of Kyle. I trudge my way in between Kenny and Stan. Kenny muffles a question and I kick snow at him. Moments later, my asshole boyfriend comes next to me and Kenny. I grunt and scoot closer to Stan.

"Come on, (y/n)! Honestly!" Kyle says softly with a hint of annoyance in his voice. I growl at him and turn towards Stan. Stan raises his eyebrows and smirks a little bit, realizing our feud.

"Think it's funny, Marsh?" I yell, stepping closer to the boy. Stan's fucking smirk faded and he backed up a little.

"No!" I grab him by the collar of his jacket and bring him close to me.

"I'll show you just how funny it is~" I purred and placed my lips on Stan's. I don't like him, as if. This will get Kyle's blood absolutely boiling. I give a small groan, trying to convince Kyle that I wasn't the only one doing some action. Stan doesn't hesitate to kiss me which makes my acting job easier.

"Holy shit." Cartman whispers.

"Oh my god." Kenny murmurs.

"What the FUCK?!" Kyle comes running forward and gives a two-hand shove. Stan falls into the snow.

"Jesus Christ, dude!"

"You kissed my girlfriend!"

"You saw it, she made the move!"

"You didn't push her off!"

"Man, if a hot girl comes up to you and kisses you, you are gonna kiss her."

"No, I wouldn't. I'm loyal to (y/n)."


"Excuse me?! ...did you just call her hot? YOU HAVE THE HOTS FOR MY GIRLFRIEND?" Kyle yells, his face turning as red as his hair. I give a snort at the ridiculous situation. He looks my dead in the eye and crosses his arms. "Oops, I meant ex girlfriend." He hisses at me and flips me off. At the moment, the bus pulls up. I feel my heart break but I keep it together.

"You don't mean that, Kyle! You're such a bad liar~!" I call after him as he walks up the steps of the bus. He turns around in the middle of the aisle. I feel multiple eyes on me from Bebe to Tweak.

"No, I'm fucking done with your bullshit (y/n)!" He yells and slides into a seat with Cartman and Kenny. Stan avoids our eye contact, he knew it was my fault but he blamed it on himself. Stan sits with Wendy who glares at me with such hatred in her eyes. I huff, I have no where to sit and I start feeling my eyes become wet. I have never cried before. The bus lurches forward, the bus driver not caring if I'm sitting or not. I tumble into someone's lap as they wrap their arms around me. I look into Craig's, my ex boyfriend (see chapter 1), eyes. His shoulders slump and he pulls me closer to him. I sob as loud as I can into his sturdy shoulder. He rubs my back in circles and pets my hair with another hand.

"It's okay, (y/n). I'm here. Forget about that fuckface. What happened to the strong (y/n) I knew? The one that never cried?" I wrap my arms tighter around him arms and sob even harder. "It's alright..." The bus arrives at school and I'm forced to leave my comfort buddy.

During math, I just feel like every piece of my body is slowly dying. I let a couple of tears leave my eyes and feel Kyle's gaze on me. I look up into his eyes and all I see is cold, annoyed orbs. He looks back to the front and I drop my head onto my desk. "(Y/N)! If you're not gonna pay attention, leave my class!" I stand up, look my teacher directly into their eyes, push my books off my desk and leave the class room.

I run as fast as I can to my house. My parents weren't home. I run to my room and waste no time hanging myself. "I'm heavens badass now." I jump off the chair and let the rope take my life.

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