Craig X Badass!Reader

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Request: CraigXBadass!Reader?- Idea: Craig is pissed off at Y/n because everyone things Y/n is more badass then Craig, they are sign up for a partner project, and Craig tells Y/n that he ASKED to be partner with her, and you can do the end ;3
My response: sounds gr8

"You know (Y/N) right?" A kid whispered to his friend, not taking his eyes off the board to avoid being caught. The boys friend turned his head to him.

"(Y/N)?" The friend rolled his eyes and smacked the boy. "Of course I do. There isn't a soul who doesn't. Now shut up."  This conversation peaked the interest of a certain teenage boy. Craig Tucker looked up from his phone in the back of the class. He felt his lip turn into a snarl as he heard the name. (Y/N).  Fucking (Y/N). Speaking of the devil, a certain someone had decided to show their face.

"(Y/N, it's nearly the end of class!" The teacher exclaimed and (y/n) lowered her head in a snicker.

"I'm glad to see you can read a clock. Cause you didn't seem to see the divorce papers coming." An echo of 'oooohs' rose up and spread throughout the class. Everyone had begun talking, all except for Craig. He finds himself standing up suddenly, his chair rattled against the floor. All eyes turned to the angry boy.

"You think you're so cool, showing up to class late, huh? Are you trying to prove something? Are you trying to beat me at this?"

"Whoa there, Tucker. Cool it. No need to obsess over me. But who wouldn't with looks like these?" She smiled and winked at Craig. The bell sounded out through the school marking the end of the class. "That's my cue. Sayonara."
She pushed open the door and disappeared into the crowd of people.

Judging by the smell of air (overcooked cardboard pizza,) it was lunchtime. Craig walked into the cafeteria, hands shoved down into his pockets. He strolled over to his seat and his nose crinkled in disgust.

"What are you doing at my table?" He scoffed, and gestured his hand at the rest of the filled table. He grabbed Kyle by his shirt and lifted him into the air. "This is my table."

"We had nowhere else to go. (Y/N) took our table."

Craig laughed. "She's one person. Sit with her." It was Kyle who laughed this time.

"You can sit with her. We aren't moving." Craig huffed and dropped Kyle onto his chair. Craig looked up and found (Y/N) at a table across the room. He started walking towards her. He felt anxiety welling inside him as he moved closer to her. Why was he so afraid? He focused his breathing. He strutted up to (Y/N) and leaned over. He placed his hands on the table, and got in her face.

"Back for more, I see." (y/n) said plainly.

"You keep asking for this. Showing up later than me, and now my table?"

"Your table?" She snorted. "It wasn't like I told them to go there. That was just a bonus." Craig stood up to his full height and scanned the cafeteria. There was no where else to sit.

"Fucking hell. I'm sitting here." He sat down in the seat next to (Y/N) roughly. (Y/N) tilted her head and looked him up and down. Why was he sitting at the seat next to her when the whole table was available?

"So.." (Y/N) started.

"Don't." Craig mumbled and picked at his food. He felt heat against his hands and he looked over. (Y/N)'s hand head bumped into his. His eyes darted away as the heat traveled from his hand to his cheeks. He shook his head and tried to clear the color from his cheeks.

"I fucking hate you." He spoke and got up from the table. He stormed out of the lunch room. (Y/N) snickered as he nearly ran out of the room. A couple people laughed and pointed at Craig. They didn't know what happened, but could only assume he had been embarrassed or shutten down by (Y/N).  Her laugh faded into nothingness. Her head dropped and her eyes trailed to the floor.

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