Teacher!Kyle X Student!Reader

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Request: Can you make a teacher Kyle x student reader please?
My response: Ah, this was fun to write and I'm sorry if it's not what you hoped for! Oh, and Kyle is the only who like grew up. So all the others are in class with me!
Extra Credit

"(Y/n)! I'd like it if you'd pay attention!" Kyle snapped at me, as seeing that my eyes were blank and I was just staring at him. I couldn't help staring...he was just so cute. I nodded my head at him and tried to focus what was on the board. Kyle was a pretty good teacher, I guess. He was chill enough that he let us just call him "Kyle", instead of professor, or mr. Kyle turned away from the board and walked over to my desk. He leaned over me in a way that made me blush.

"Are you having trouble?" He whispered. I gave a slight nod, too embarrassed to speak. Kyle picked up my pencil and started asking basic questions. "What are we looking for?"

"The..the percent of change?"

"Very good!" I hear him laugh which means his bad mood has died down. "Now, where does the X go?"

"Over the fraction bar, over the 100."

"Very good, I think you can figure out the rest." Kyle went back to his desk and started grading some papers. I continue working on my paper until something lands in the middle of my desk. I growl and set my pencil down. I grab the paper and unfold it.

Got a crush on the professor, do you?

My face grows red and I smash the paper in my fist. I throw it back a billion times harder and it hits Kenny in the side of the head. Kenny looks startled and makes an "eep" of surprise. Kyle gets up from his desk and glares at me. "I will be seeing you after class, Mrs. (l/n)."

"But it wasn't me!"

"If you can't take responsibility, don't do things like that."

"I'm innocent, Kyle!" I yell, gripping the sides of the desk. He leans down real close to my face and whispers something.

"And I'm Beyoncé." Kyle laughs but he turns serious again. "But seriously, I'm seeing you after class." I tried to pay attention to the remainder of the lesson but I just couldn't. It was so boring. I thought the end would never come! But shortly, the bell rings and I was hoping I could sneak out. I grabbed my binders and wormed my way in between Craig and Tweek, hoping to blend into the crowd.

"Not so fast." Kyle grabbed my wrist and held me there until the class cleared from the room. He swatted my binders out of my hands. I gulped and felt myself go pale. Oh no, I'm gonna die. With great strength, he pushed me up against a wall. Kyle stared deep into my eyes and I couldn't help but blush. What are we doing? He's my professor! "I've seen the way you look at me." He breathed out, his peppermint breathe reaching my nose. "It's hot."

"Kyle.." I murmured. He brought his lips down on mine, cutting me off from my sentence. "MPH!" I squeak. He bites my lower lip and pushes his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues collided together and he pulls back.

"I think I'll be seeing you after class everyday...it will give you some...extra credit. Now go home." He whispered and motioned for me to go, he looked almost sad.

The walk home was quiet, too quiet. "(L/N!" Someone yells. I turn around and see Cartman standing there with a smirk on his face. My eyes widen and I take a step back but I tumble into someone's arms. I look into the eyes of Stan Marsh. He drops me and I land hard on my back.

"Owf." I hiss.

"Pppffffttt, you stayed after class. You must be dumb. Ohh, maybe you fucked the teacher, huh? You are a slut just like Kenny said." I felt a tear slip out of my eye, Kenny was my best fucking friend.

"He-he didn't say that!" I scream and stand up.

"Hey, Cartman. Don't get too close to her, you might catch AIDS!" Stan laughs as I hang my head and accept that I can't stand up to them.

"You fucking asshole!" Someone yells. I look to the right and see Kenny McCormick, with only a tank top and shorts on. Hot daMMMMN. He jumps on top of Cartman as Stan flees the scene. One punch, two punch. "Leave her alone." He growls into Cartmans ear and gets off him. Kenny walks over to me, throws an arm around me. "It'll be alright." Kenny whispers, bringing me close to him. He walks me all the way home and makes sure I get inside safely.
"See you tomorrow, be safe, pretty lady." Kenny snuck in a flirt and then left. He always flirted with me, he was so weird.

*next day at school*
My dreams were filled with Kyle. The class seemed to go quick. He had asked me to stay after class again and I had seen Cartman snicker. I gave him the middle finger though.

*after class*
I grabbed Kyle by the shirt and pulled him close to me. I kissed him passionately and he returned the kiss. He leaned into me and I moaned as he began sucking on my neck. "Looks like I found your sweet spot~" Kyle purred lowly in my ear.

"This is the best extra credit I have ever had." I let out another little moan as his hands explored my body. Let's just say that I'm glad no one was at school that night. ;)

Bam it's done :3 keep leaving me requests and prompts guys! I enjoy writing them!

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