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“Briefing time, conference room now,” Tony called to the team. 

I instinctively rolled my eyes, but got up from the couch and headed towards the conference room along with my fellow teammates.  

Everyone piled in and sat at the table while Tony stood by the white board.  

“Where’s Barton?” Tony sighed, asking the team.  

Like I give a shit, let’s move on with this meeting already. I thought to myself, smirking.  

“What’s with the smirk, Y/L/N?” Steve called out to me across the table. 

“Oh, nothing.” I smiled at him, wiping the smirk off my face. 

Barton burst into the room from the vent, rolling onto the floor. “I’m here!” 

I rolled my eyes. Typical of him. 

“Nice of you to join us, bird brain,” I smiled at him as he took his seat. 

Clint glared in my direction, not responding to my remark. 

“Anyways, Fury gave me some info on the mission we have coming up. Some assholes over in LA are trying to make a ‘robot army’, and we need to stop them.” Tony goes on, clearly unimpressed with the mission, but if it came from Fury, he has no say in it. 

“So, we need to go to LA to stop a couple of geeks from playing ‘I, Robot’ with the state?” I asked Tony, not quite seeing the urgency in this mission. 

He sighed, “Unfortunately, but since the whole Ultron fiasco, Fury has a stick up his ass about this.” 

I rolled my eyes, “It was a one-time thing!”  

Tony nodded his head in agreement and sat down at the head of the table. “Rogers and Romanoff, you two are going, no need to send the whole team over a science fair project. The rest of you are to be on standby in case something goes wrong. Dismissed.” 

I heaved myself out of the chair and followed Sam and Bucky back to the living room to watch TV when Barton appeared next to me.  

“Bird brain? Really?” Clint snorted.  

Sam piped in, “As long as it’s you and not me.” He and Bucky laughed and continued on to the living room.  

I didn’t have anything to say, but I couldn’t help but laugh.  

“Can you knock off the attitude? You’re really starting to get on my nerves.” Clint rolled his eyes. 

I snorted and walked away. He was getting mad. Good. 

“Y/L/N! Don’t you walk away from me,” Barton snapped, he was really starting to get pissed with me. 

“Oooooooh, I’m so scared of a guy with a freakin’ bow and arrow,” I rolled my eyes again and just stood in front of him since he clearly had more to say. 

“Watch yourself, miss magic fingers,” He huffed and walked away. 

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