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A week had gone by and Bruce had gotten me into physical therapy. Slowly but surely, I gained movement in my feet and legs with booster shots.

Everyone had left for their new mission, Vision and Wanda had gone on their vacation, and Clint and myself were left alone in the compound. We've been mostly civil, not despising every second he was in the room with me.

We had been watching TV when the alarm sounded once again, and we had gone to the conference room to check in with the rest of the team.

"Tony! Tony, are you guys alright?" I frantically asked.

"Uh, yeah. We're fine. A bit busy, what can I do for you?" confused, Tony responded. He sounded as if he was in the middle of a fight.

"Y/N, what do you need? We're busy here." Steve piped in.

"Tony, the alarm is going off here. You guys don't need our help?" Clint questioned.

"The alarms are going off? Check FRIDAY, we didn't sound them. Something must be going on at the tower," Tony advised.

"FRIDAY, reason for alarm?" I asked the AI.

"There seems to be an unknown vehicle landed on the roof."

Clint and I looked at each other. "Go, I'll make my way up to the roof as soon as I can. Be careful," I directed, and went to the elevator in my wheelchair. Clint went up through the vents.

Nervously, I waited for the elevator to arrive at the top floor, hoping Clint wasn't hurt.

The bell rang signaling I was at my destination and the doors opened.

"Y/N! Look out! Take over!" Clint yelled as he sat perched behind the AC unit.

I wheeled my way behind a wall and peeked around the corner to see the damage. It looked like agents of some sort. There was about 6 of them.

I sent a blue area blast toward two of them huddled together, careful not to send their helicopter over the edge of the roof. The two were sent back, one hitting their head on the railing, knocking them out. The other one hit the ground hard with a thud, but didn't move again.

Clint was shooting his arrows as fast as he could load them, catching 3 of them right in the chest.

We shared a glance and looked around for the final agent, unable to find them. I moved towards the opening, trying to get a better view and felt searing pain into my shoulder.

I whipped around to be face to face with a young blonde woman with a bloody knife in her hand.

Before I could even react, an arrow whizzed by my face, catching the woman in the abdomen.

Clint hurried towards me to check out the situation. "You okay?" He asked me.

I nodded, "I'm fine, just a small stab. I'll live."

His face contorted when he saw the woman's face, and became one of concern.

"Yelena?" He asked. 

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