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Once the cry fest was over, Bucky had pulled me aside into my study to speak with me, leaving Clint in the living room. 

“You need to talk to him,” Bucky started. 

“Absolutely not, you’re out of your damn mind, Barnes.” 

“No, seriously. His ex-wife was a former SHIELD agent. They were together for a while, but SHIELD didn’t want them to divorce, so they tried to stick it out. Which is when you came into the picture; they were ‘trying’ to work it out, but in reality, they both knew it was over.” Bucky placed a soft hand on my arm, trying to make me understand. 

“NO! It still doesn’t make up for the pain and heartbreak. Right when I really needed him! I didn’t have my magic, I didn’t have my independence, I had nothing once he ripped my fucking heart out of my chest. Especially after we learned I was being hunted, James!” I screamed and all the emotion I had pushed down had come out. I was furious, hurt, and guilty all at once.  

“Whoa, sugar, whoa. Calm down. I’m not saying you have to forgive him, or even look at him for all I care. I just want to make sure you know all the facts before you go making any kind of rash decision.” 

I didn’t respond to that, just mulled it over in my mind. 

“Do you want us to leave?” He finally broke the silence in the room. 

“Leave me with Barton for a few. We’ll be out to the jet in a few.” 

Bucky nodded and once I had heard the front door close, I stepped out into the living room. 

Clint looked over at me, and I stared at a wall as I moved to sit on the opposite end of the couch.  

“I-uh, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you. I’m an idiot for doing thi-” he started rambling before I put my hand up to silence him. 

“So, SHIELD didn’t let you divorce until you tried to work it out?” I asked, still unable to look in his direction. 

He nodded, and I saw it out of the corner of my eye. 

I sucked in a deep breath and let it out, finally turning in his direction. “Clint, I have never been so heartbroken in my life. Not even after Zemo. I had fallen head over heels for you, and you couldn’t be bothered to give me a heads up?” I asked, swallowing my tears back. 

“I don’t know what I was thinking, all I know is I have missed you with every inch of my being these past 6 years. Since the day we got the news that you were gone, I’ve hardly slept. I spent all my time looking for you. After 3 or so years, the team assumed you were taken and had been killed, but I never gave up.” Clint explained, reaching over to grab my hand.  

I moved in closer and kissed him with every bit of energy I had, and every sleepless night, every tear, every second of pain had melted away as if it never existed.  

“Do you forgive me?” He dared to ask. 

I gave him a small smile and hugged him tightly.  

“I’ll take that as a yes, just don’t go running off on me again. You hear me?” He laughed and we finally stood up. “Are you coming home?” 

I nodded, “Let’s go home.” 

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