I'm Alive

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I'm not sure how long I was out, but when I woke up next, I was able to open my eyes this time and surveyed the room until I spotted who sat in the chair beside my bed.

I scrunched my face, as best as I could, into an unpleasant one.

"Don't look at me like that, I didn't have a choice," Clint spat at me and got up to page Bruce.

Continuing to survey the room, I found I was in the med bay. I assumed that's where I was, but I couldn't see it until now. The room was incredibly bright, but the bed was comfortable enough for my back, which made me writhe in pain to the best of my limited abilities under the circumstances.

Bruce ran into the room, with Clint slowly walking behind him.

"Y/N, can you see me alright?" Bruce had asked, trying to look into my eyes to check for dilation.

I slowly nodded my head, "Yeah, it's remarkably bright in here." I struggled to sit up, but made it with help from Bruce.

"Are you in any pain?"

"My back hurts like hell, and I can't move my legs or feet," I informed him. Not wanting to admit it, but it was starting to make me scared that I wouldn't be able to walk again. "How long have I been out?"

"The first time, about a day or so." Bruce informed me.

"And the second time?"

"4 months."

"Four months?!?!" I nearly shouted, my hoarse voice from not speaking becoming prominent.

"Don't worry, we'll get you back to your room and out of med bay in no time and see if any feeling at all comes back to you. If it does, then we can start physical therapy and have you on your way to being good as new." Bruce tried to smile at me and make me feel better, but with Clint hovering at the door, I knew he was going to say something stupid once Banner left. "I'll have Steve and Bucky come to help you up to your room."

With that, Bruce left me with Clint once again.

"Don't think this means I care about you because I do not." Clint said dryly. "It was my turn to stay with you and nobody gave me a choice. 'Work as a team' Tony said."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, keeping silent.

He stayed until Steve and Bucky came strolling into the room, eyes lit up from seeing my awake form.

"Y/N, you're awake!" Steve smiled and carefully wrapped me in a hug.

I beamed back at him, "and you're alive!"

"It's good to have you back," Bucky smiled and placed a hand on my leg.

My smile quickly faded as the realization that I may never walk again had settled into my mind.

Of course, Bucky noticed this and piped up, "what's with the face?"

"I- uh-" I started and cleared my throat trying to gain the confidence to tell them. "I may not walk again."

The room once again went so silent you could hear a pin drop.

Steve hugged me tighter, careful not to break any ribs. "I'm so sorry."

I wiped my eyes from the tears that were forming and shook my head, "I'm alive though, and that's what matters."

Steve and Bucky nodded and helped me up to my room, and left Clint sitting in med bay alone.

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