Fuck you

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The next morning came quickly, and I tried to find the strength to look Clint in the eye.

I quickly dressed and got in my wheelchair as I didn't have the strength to use my legs today. My whole body felt drained. Is this what heartbreak is?

Wheeling myself into the kitchen to grab breakfast, Laura was nowhere to be found, but Clint was sat at the table. It looked like he was waiting on me.

"Good morning," he said, trying to force a smile.

"Fuck off, Barton." I completely ignored him and went on to get some coffee.

"You need to do your physical therapy today."

"Fuck you, I'll have Laura help me with it."

"She went to work for the day."

I stopped what I was doing, my back still turned to him. "I'll do it by myself then. I do not need your help."

"We need to talk-"

"No, we fucking don't. You can take whatever you're going to say and shove it up your ass. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to see your face or hear your voice. I want to go back to the compound."

"Y/N, you can't." He tried to lay a hand on my shoulder and I zapped him with the tiny bit of electricity I could muster with my fingers.


"Don't touch me again," I snapped and went outside to drink my coffee and call Bucky.

The phone rang a few times before Bucky answered.

"hey, are you okay?" He asked, sounding worried.

I was close to tears, but didn't want to make him worry. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just need a favor from you and Sam."

"Of course, anything you need, sugar."


A few hours later, a small helicopter landed in the yard and I was ready with my bags. Bucky ran towards me and I walked as fast as I could to hug him.

"You're walking!" he exclaimed, happy to see the improvement.

I nodded, genuinely smiling.

A new voice emerged from the yard. "Ready to go?"

Bucky grabbed my bag and wheelchair with one hand and his other around my waist helping me walk.

Clint ran out towards us once he realized I was leaving. "Hey! You can't leave! Fury's orders!"

Once Bucky had sat me behind Sam, he shut the door to the helicopter and stormed back towards Clint, and I could hear them from inside the cabin.

"Who do you think you are? Fucking doing that to her? You knew she hasn't been with anyone in YEARS and you had a secret wife the whole time? Fuck you, Barton."

"Barnes, you don't even know that half of it, and neither does she. She refuses to even look at me."

"Fuck you, and stay away from her. If anyone needs to know, I'm taking her to Sam's place and I'll stay with her. You can meet the rest of the team back at the tower."

With that, we set off and left Clint in the yard.

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