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I was showered and cleaned up when I made my way towards the conference room to check in on Steve and Nat.

"Hey guys," I smiled and waved over the video chat.

"Hey, Y/N," Steve returned the smile. "What's up?"

"Just checking in with you guys, it's weird not having you here."

"We're fine, we aren't even going into the field until tomorrow. Tonight, we are just scoping the area and planning for tomorrow," Nat reassured me.

"Alright, let me know if anything goes sideways. Until then, stay safe!"


The call ended and I wandered to the living room where Clint was watching TV.

"Mind if I join?"

"As long as I don't have to hear your voice. And I'm not changing the show." He crossed his arms and scooted even further to the other side of the couch.


We sat that way watching a documentary about animals of the world for the next couple hours until I fell asleep on the armrest.

"Up and at 'em, Y/N!" Tony said, abruptly waking me up.

I sat up in a panic. "Is everything okay? What day is it?" I asked frantically.

"You're fine, everything is fine. Just wanted to see if you were up for Monopoly?"

Releasing the breath I didn't realize I was holding in, I asked, "Depends. Whose playing?"

"Sam, Bucky, Wanda, myself, Clint-"

"No, thanks. I'll just go practice my magic with Strange," and I got up and left the room to the library to read up on the magic world.

"Well, Y/N, nice to see you in here every once in a while," Strange noted, welcoming me into the library.

I nodded towards him and gave him a warm smile as I sat down on the couch with a book where I'd stay for the next few hours. 

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