Ciara O'Reilly

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6 years later 

I was practicing some new spells when there was a knock on the door, startling me and completely interrupting the spell. I grumbled and went to answer the door, assuming it was my neighbors again bitching about the smell of lavender throughout the house. 

“Listen, I know you hate the smell-” I started as soon as I opened the door, but stopped short when I saw who was behind it.  

“Y/N?” Clint asked, unsure. 

“I don’t know who Y/N is, my name is Ciara O’Reilly,” I told him and turned away, going to shut the door. 

“Your favorite color is green, favorite show is Supernatural and the Librarians. You have a huge heart and got injured in battle about 7 years ago making you unable to walk. Your favorite thing to do is make a dark room full of blue lightning bugs. You used to be with me, but I fucked it up and nobody would blame you if you never forgave me. But please, don’t leave the team high and dry. They don’t deserve it.” 

I stopped and listened to what he had to say. Unfortunately, he was right. Bucky and Sam never did a thing to deserve it. I also had a life now, but nothing ever stopped me from reaching out to them either. 

“You’re right about one thing: the team didn’t deserve it. Get in the house; I have a few questions before anything stupid comes out of your mouth,” I spat and pulled him into my flat.  

“Nice place, Y/N,” he said, checking the place out. 

“Again, my name is Ciara. Do not call me that here; nobody knows that name,” I scolded. “How did you find me?” 

Clint sat on the couch and explained that he had gotten a tip a couple of months ago about Zemo being out of prison and someone thought they saw you somewhere in Ireland. We caught the tip through FRIDAY’s database on security cameras in the UK.” 

“How did you get here?” 

“Took a small jet out here, parked it about a mile out in the forest and walked here.” 

“Did you bring anyone with you?” 


I looked at him expectantly. “Well? Who is it and where are they?”  

He smirked and the door opened, revealing Bucky looking stressed beyond all belief. I ran over to him and hugged him as tightly as I could.  

He held my shoulders and looked me straight in the face, “don’t you dare run off like that again.” 

I shrugged it off and started to cry, not letting go of Bucky. He rubbed my back and I could feel his tears streaking his face as well. 

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