Unsettling Silence

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I couldn't open my eyes or move any part of my body, but my hearing was slowly coming back, finally able to at least hear what was going on.

"-and why doesn't she have a full suit?" I heard someone arguing about something.

"Because she never goes in for battle! She doesn't need it!" someone else aruged back, pretty sure it was Tony.

"Then why did you let her go in alone?!"

"The only other people who weren't near the first explosion were her, you, and Barton. She had the best chance of getting out alive if something went wrong. Can you imagine if I had let you or Barton go in? You may have Hulked out on us and he would surely be dead," Tony snapped back.

My heart rate monitor picked up on my rising heart rate from hearing the conversation.

"Y/N? Can you hear me?" Bruce spoke to me upon hearing the monitor pick up pace.

I tried to speak, but my lips wouldn't move and sound just would not come out.

"Y/n?" Tony asked softly.

"Let me run some blood tests and get some xrays and a CAT scan, that should tell us if she has brain activity," Bruce suggested.

"Now hold on, give me just a minute," Tony said before running out of the room.

"Don't worry, Y/N, we'll figure out what's going on," Bruce reassured me. Which made me feel better. Ironic that I can heal others, but I can't heal myself.

Tony came back with another person in the room. "Wanda, can you tell us if she's awake?"

I felt Wanda enter my thoughts and we sparked a conversation.

"Y/N? Are you awake?" She asked, the room was completely silent.

"Wanda! Yes, I'm awake, I just can't move any part of my body."

"Do you hurt anywhere?"

"No, I can't move or feel anything."

Wanda broke the silence in the room, "Dr. Banner, she's definitely awake, she just said she can't move or feel anything."

There were a few breaths of relief in the room.

"Then we will have to wait to see if her movement comes back, I don't want to have to run any more tests on her than I absolutely have to," Bruce said.

"With that, we should keep someone with her at all times in case something goes wrong or she needs us," Tony suggested.

"That's a good idea."

"I'll stay with her for now, Vis is upgrading his drive," Wanda said softly. "I'll also be able to communicate with her.

The two men exited the room and left Wanda and I alone.

"Wanda, what happened?" I asked.

"You opened a door rigged with a bomb and hit your head pretty hard on a wall it blew you into."

"What about Steve and Nat?! Are they okay?"

"They were not in the hideout we searched; it was a setup for destruction. On another note, Tony did find them and has Bucky and Sam out to get them."

"Didn't he learn last time that he needed to send more people than two?"

"That's what I thought as well, but turns out it was just one single guy by himself and he has them at his house that's unguarded. The guys we fought off were paid mercenaries. The four of them will be back within a day once Nat and Steve get checked out by a medic."

"Oh, thank god, is everyone else alright? Was I the only one that got hurt?"

"Yes, everyone else made it out with bruises and scratches, but nothing broken."

There was unsettling silence for a few minutes before she asked, "Why aren't you able to heal yourself this time?"

"I don't know, usually my magic heals my body on its own. No matter what the injury is. This time, I blacked out completely and even if I want to cast a spell or anything, nothing happens."

We sat in silence further before my mind started drifting off to sleep once more. 

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