Backup on the way

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The alarm sounded loudly and I shot up out of bed, throwing on my gear as fast as I could and made my way down to the conference room where I met Tony waiting for the others.

"Tony, they need you. You can get there faster than anyone, go." I said, shooing him out of the compound. "We'll be fine; does FRIDAY have the briefing information for the team once in the air?"

I had followed him to the roof towards his landing pad, "yeah, get everyone there safely and brief them on the way. Don't forget to let me know when you're close, the jet has coordinates for landing." Tony finalized his sentence and took off.

I hurried back downstairs to the rest of the team waiting in full gear for directions. "On the jet, now."

Everyone made sure they had their gear and we took off, I set the acceleration at the top speed to get there as soon as we could.

"Alright, FRIDAY, please brief the team on our mission," I directed the AI.

"Yes, Miss Y/L/N," She responded. "It seems Captain Rogers and Miss Romanoff were caught in their hideout and the scientists that were constructing the robots are holding them in an area near Anaheim, California. We need 4 teams; one to overlook the area, one to infiltrate the site once found, one to stay in the jet and keep comms on with Rogers and Romanoff, and one to find and bring back Steve and Natasha."

I sighed, "Okay, you heard the lady. 4 teams."

"Does it have to be a team of more than one?" Banner piped in, "I think I would like to stay in the jet in case we need medics. I can also take care of comms."

"I mean, I would definitely feel safer if you were with someone, especially if we do need a medic, we still need someone on comms."

Banner nodded his head and stayed quiet.

"Vision, Wanda, you two okay going in and clearing the idiots' bodyguards out?" I asked and they agreed instantly.  

Sam also spoke up, "I can be on out look duty since my suit has wings."

"Actually, can you and Bucky go and get Steve and Nat? I trust you guys to find them, moreso in case they are hurt, Bucky can carry Steve." They understood and prepped for their mission.

"That leaves Barton, myself, and you, Miss Y/L/N." Thor spoke up.

"Bird brain and you can go to look-out, Thor, cover his back in case it gets sketchy out there," I directed and the two silently agreed.

"Banner, I'll stay with you on comms. I may be of help if anyone does get injured," I smiled and waved my sparkling blue fingertips his way. 

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