Bye, Steve

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The next morning Steve and Nat had asked for my help in double checking their gear before they left for California.

"Jeez, why do you get up so early for this crap?" I yawned, checking the time, 5:30AM, and picking up the comms equipment and starting to test it.

Steve chuckled, "Early bird gets the worm."

"Worms are nasty and mornings suck, y'all can keep 'em," I retorted. "Do you guys really think this is a dangerous mission?" I prodded. They were the ones to ask since they had read the files on this.

"I think Fury is losing his mind," Nat smiled. "He's just overly precautious now."

"I just feel like they should be sending someone else with you guys. As great as you guys are, what if there are hundreds of angry robots ready to murder you? Would you be able to handle that?" I asked seriously.

"We'll be fine, Y/N. Don't worry about us. If anything happens, we'll let you guys know and Stark can be here in 30 minutes flat," Steve laid a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Tech looking good?" Fury asked, coming through the doorway, making me jump slightly.

"Yep, almost everything is loaded up and we are about to head out," Nat confidently spoke, sending a smile towards Fury.

"Good, you two are more than capable to handle this, I'm not too worried," Fury stated.

"We'll see you guys in a week!" Nat called out to us as they boarded the jet and started the engines up.

Fury and I waved them off and once they were gone, he turned to me. "And you. You've gotta stop calling Barton names. I can hear him bitching through the ventilation system about you and your smart mouth."

I laughed, "Sorry, Fury, I'll do my best to keep my mouth shut. He's just such an asswipe."

He smirked right along with me, "Yes, he is, but you two have got to figure out how to get along for the sake of the team. If nobody is on stand by and everyone is safely at the compound, have at it as long as you don't kill each other. When we are waiting for our team to come back, you have to have your head in the game."

I nodded in agreement and we parted ways.

Swiftly heading back to my room to get a couple more hours of shut eye, I ran into Legolas himself on the stairwell.

No words were passed between us, but hatred and tension were there. I ended up back in my room to get some much-needed rest.  

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