I Figured it Out

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"Tony, can you hear me?" I called over the communications system.

"Loud and clear, Elsa!" He hollered back.

"Can you quit calling me that?! Anyway, we're set to land in about 3 minutes. Teams are situated and will be heading out to the designated spots. You found the geeks, right?"

"Roger that, Y/N. Got the slimy guy on my radar. Sending it to FRIDAY to show the team his hideout."

"Just received it, see you soon, Stark!"

Once landed, Banner and I stayed on the quinjet and I was tuned in to Steve and Nat. They had no idea their earpieces were still working and being tracked.

"Bucky, Sam, I've got a reading on the location of Steve and Nat. I'm sending it to Red Wing."

"Copy that, Y/N, on our way." Sam said excitedly.

"Barton, you and Thor good up there?" I called out.

"Just freakin' peachy. Thor went to help Wanda and Vision. They got overloaded. I'm holding my own up on the perch. I'm fine." Clint responded.

"For fuck's sake," I sighed. "Tony told me to keep two on the watch tower. I'm coming up."

"That is the last thing we need; for you to be up here bothering me." Clint retorted.

"Like it or not, I'm coming. Shut it, Hawkface," I snapped.

The line went silent and I handed everything over to Bruce. "Let me know if you get in to trouble or we have an injury, I'll be back in no time and will send someone else on the perch."

"Thanks, Y/N, I got this. Go."

I wandered out to get an eye on Clint and teleported myself up to him and the tower. He scoped the area once more and jumped when he saw me there.

"For Christ's sake, can you give me a warning? I hate it when you do that," Clint said, holding his chest like I just gave him heart palpitations.

I giggled, "drama queen."

We both worked in silence for a while; Clint shooting an arrow or two when a stray body guard would appear, heading towards the door. I enchanted the door anyways, they wouldn't be able to get in (and only our team can get out), but I let Clint think he's helping.

Suddenly a large explosion came from the door, and I went down to help out with any possible injuries.

Nobody seemed to be hurt, but we also hadn't found the rest of our team we were there for.

I went to search for the two Avengers myself, figuring I could find them out myself since this had already turned into a huge liability on the team anyway. I checked every single room I came across and any possible hidden rooms.

"Tony, I'm not seeing anything. Are you sure they're here?" I asked him.

"Yeah, that's what the radar showed, keep looking, I'm sure you'll find them. You sure you don't want me to send Wanda in to help?"

"I'm good, Stark. Did anyone say what caused the explosion?"

I had spoken too soon and the next door I opened was rigged with a bomb and send me flying, hitting my head on the brick wall behind me. "I guess I figured out how the first one happened," I said into the comms right before I blacked out. 

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