Smoke Break

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Finally setting my book down, I made my way up to the kitchen to finally eat dinner, which was just leftover since I read until 10PM.

I really hate being on standby, these days are so boring.

"Tell me about it," Wanda came up behind you, a smile plastered on her face. "I played Monopoly with Tony. You don't do that unless you're desperate," she laughed.

"Definitely, he cheats by throwing real money into the free parking so he keeps the game money," I laughed along with her.

Once I finished eating, I headed to the bar where I found the rest of the team hanging out.

"Y/N, come have a drink with us," Thor said smiling and patting the seat next to him.

I obliged and sat next to him after grabbing a beer.

"I was just telling everyone about the time Loki turned into a snake and stabbed me," Thor bellowed out laughing.

"How about this, since we are in the clear for tonight and the morning, let's play King's Cup," Tony smirked and explained the game to us.

Bucky sat out of the game, since he can't get drunk anyways.

Clint pulled a card from the table, "8." He scanned the people around the table looking for his mate to drink with him. "Y/N."

"What?! Why me?"

"Cause there's not a damn thing you can do about it," he smirked.

I kept my mouth shut, and followed the rules of the game.

Everyone had moved around the table to make it easier to remember who was mates with who. I ended up right next to Barton and we made a decent team once influenced by alcohol.

Two or three rounds later, everyone was fairly intoxicated, and we called the game.

Clint was on my left and Tony ended up on my right.

I let out a breath and went to stand.

  "Where ya going?" Tony asked.

"Smoke break," I smiled and made my way to the deck. It was a warm summer night and the stars were out in full force.

I heard the door open and turned to see who it was.

"Mind if I join?" Clint asked, holding his own pack of cigarettes in the air.

"Sure." I went back to looking at the sky. "I have a question for you."

He was hesitant, but nodded his head as he lit his smoke.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I said then took a drag.

He chuckled, "I don't really know, something you do just gets underneath my skin."

I nodded, accepting the answer and keeping quiet until I put my stick out and went back inside, where I found everyone had made their way to bed.

Clint was right behind me when I realized everyone was gone.

I plopped back onto the couch and finished off my glass of whiskey.

"Aren't you going to bed?" he asked.

I shook my head, "Nah, I won't be able to sleep anyways. I'm pouring another glass."

"Mind if I stay too?" He asked, being sincere this time about asking.

"Go ahead, nobody's stopping you." I said dryly as I poured the rich liquid into my glass.

He sat on the couch after grabbing himself another beer. I followed suit with my drink and it was quiet for a long time. Neither one of us had anything to say.

I finished off the contents of my drink and went to stand up. "Alright, I'm off to bed."

"Let me help you to your room, you're pretty drunk." Clint offered.

"I'm fine, and you're just as drunk."

We ended up taking the elevator to where our rooms were, and went our separate ways for the night. 

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