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Later that night, I continued to binge Supernatural, unable to really pay attention. I kept thinking about how everything could've been prevented if I had just said something, and who knows what's going to happen now.

A voice interrupted my thoughts. "You alright?"

I looked over at Clint, who had worry painted on his face. "Yeah," I responded and turned back to dead-eyeing the TV.

He placed himself next to me on the sofa and looked at me. "Don't lie to me, I may not be superhuman, but I know that you're full of guilt."

"What do you care, Barton? All you've ever done is call me names and refuse to partner with me in any mission ever. I've never done anything to you." I snapped.

"Never done anything to me? Do you not remember when we were in Sokovia?"

I looked at him, puzzled.

"You took that bullet for me and almost died. Then you did it again during the Civil War fight when T'Challa almost took me out, you jumped in front of me and got 18 stitches on your back."

Again, I looked confused. "So you're mad at me for saving your fucking life?"

"No, I'm mad because you know damn well you can heal others, but you insist on throwing yourself in harm's way to save others!"

"Clint, that is no reason to be the way you are with me! I just don-" he cut me off and kissed me.

"What are you doing, Barton?" I asked, once we pulled away.

"I'm mad at you because you constantly force me to worry about you and I always think you're going to fucking die every time we're on a mission."

"I- I don't know what to say. I didn't know you felt that way, bird brain," I said smiling.

He smirked, "there's a lot you don't know, but keep out from under my skin and I think we'll be fine."

We finished the episode we were watching and went off to bed.


The next few days, we had gotten significantly closer and he never let me go anywhere alone. He always stayed with me at physical therapy and always making sure I had everything I needed. I finally felt like I belonged with someone. Clint had opened a new part of me that I didn't know existed. I was falling for him very quickly and I let it happen, as it had been years since I felt this way. 

That day, he helped me train with my magic since I needed to get back into the groove of fighting. Once finished with that, he made lunch and suggested we watch a movie to pass the time.

"What movie do you want to watch, dove?"

"What's your favorite movie, babe?"

"Back to the Future," he said, raising an eyebrow.

"Even better, we can watch all of them." I smiled at him and he sat next to me, arm around my shoulder as I leaned into him.

I had fallen asleep at some point in the movie, and Clint had brought me to my room when I woke up.

He tried to leave, but I refused to let him go.

"Dove, I gotta go to bed," he cooed, kissing my forehead.

"No." is all I said, refusing to let go of his arm. "Stay here."

He sighed, giving in and crawling into bed next to me. "Whatever you want, my dove."

I fell back asleep quickly.

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