Take Care of Her

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“Anyone care to tell me what’s going on?” Sam asked myself and Bucky. “All I got told was that we needed to leave or Barton is going to be pulverized and here we are.” 

I smirked, thinking about the ways I could’ve blew his ass to dust.  

“Barton and Y/N worked their shit out, even started dating, if you will. Then Fury orders them to the only safehouse SHIELD has and there’s his fucking wife,” Bucky angrily explained. 

“Barton’s got a wife?!” Sam yelled, looking at the two of us.  

I nodded sheepishly. “I was a fucking idiot for even thinking I could trust him. I just-” I stopped talking, fury getting the better of me.  

“Don’t worry, Bucky is going to stay with you at my place and I’m going back to the team to find out what we can do to sort out the supposed target on your head.”  

“Thank you. Both of you. I don’t think I could have stayed with Clint another minute,” I said, grateful for the team and friends I had.  

“Anything for you, sugar,” Bucky said as he winked at me. 

The rest of the ride was in complete silence, but once we got to our destination, I finally felt relaxed.  

“You guys get comfortable, take care of her, Buck. I’ll be back soon,” Sam directed and gave me a hug and Bucky a fist bump before heading right back out the door.  

I sighed of relief, “Finally some good company.” 

“You can say that again,” Bucky laughed as we sat down on the balcony to look over the ocean until the sky turned dark.  

“This may be out of line, but you and Clint-?” Bucky asked nervously. 

Turning to look at him, I responded, “Well, it all kinda happened so fast. I wasn’t even hesitant, we just clicked. I miss him, Buck.” 

Bucky stood up and pulled me towards him into a hug. “I know, sweetheart. I’ll always be here for you, though.” 

The warm embrace just sent me straight into tears again. All emotions had come out again and Bucky held me until I had stopped.  

“Don’t ever be afraid to talk to me or if you need a shoulder to cry on. I mean it. Now, let’s get some rest. You’ve got some physical therapy you have to do tomorrow.” He led me into the shared bedroom and made sure I was good before shutting the door behind him.  

I lay in bed just thinking about Clint. My heart ached for him and his comforting touch. I didn’t know when I was going to see him again or if ever. What if I was going to be the cause of Clint’s early retirement? I don’t think I could live with myself.  

Thoughts of leaving came to mind, but I don’t think I could do that to Bucky and Sam; them just not knowing where I went or if I was even still alive.  

I reflected on my life currently; completely heartbroken by some douchebag with a wife, my legs don’t work, my magic is very weak and I'm unable to care for myself without a babysitter 24/7. I could just leave, and let the Avengers and SHIELD get back on with their lives. I could just jump over the railing into the ocean. Nobody would know and I couldn’t save myself with no working legs and barely enough magic to shock someone.  

I told myself I would think it over and decide the next morning.  

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